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On April 3, 2024 at 12:24:37 PM UTC, Gravatar Flurin Leugger:
  • Updated description of CRISPR-Dx assays and environmental DNA to monitor amphibians from

    # General description This data set was created for the case study on CRISPR-Dx assays to monitor amphibians with eDNA (in the Canton of Aargau, Switzerland). It encompasses a the environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling metadata, the average CRISPR-Dx assay readout per extract, the summarized traditional monitoring data and the permits received for sampling and data usage. **Corresponding author**: Flurin Leugger ( # Description of the zip folders - **CRISPR**: CRISPR-Dx fluorescence readout and summary per extract and eDNA metadata - **permits**: Sampling permit and data usage agreement - **traditional_monitoring**: Summarized traditional monitoring data per location, provided by Canton of Aargau
    # General description This data set was created for the case study on CRISPR-Dx assays to monitor amphibians with eDNA (in the Canton of Aargau, Switzerland). It encompasses a the environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling metadata, the average CRISPR-Dx assay readout per extract, the summarized traditional monitoring data and the permits received for sampling and data usage. **Corresponding author**: Flurin Leugger ( # Description of the zip folders - **CRISPR**: CRISPR-Dx fluorescence readout and summary per extract and eDNA metadata - **traditional_monitoring**: Summarized traditional monitoring data per location, provided by Canton of Aargau