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On November 1, 2024 at 8:08:52 AM UTC, Gravatar Stefan Klesse:
  • Updated description of resource beech_rawtrw.txt in European Beech tree-ring dataset 1952-2020 to

    This dataset contains the raw ring-width and climate data (1952-2020) used in the research article "No future growth enhancement expected at the northern edge for European beech due to continued water limitation". RW= ring width Year= Calendar year CN = core number ID3= plot identifier longitude = longitude (°) latitude = latitude (°) elevation = elevation (m) age= estimated age in calendar year radius= estimated radius in calendar year (mm) MAT= mean annual temperature (°C) MAP= mean annual precipitation (mm) MCWB= mean climatic water balance (P-PET; mm) amplitude= simple continentality measure (July - January mean maximum temperatures) MATspline1 and 2, MCWBspline1 and 2, radiusspline4 and 5= natural spline transformed values of MAT, MCWB and radius #ns(x,2) CWD_pMay_Jun= Climatic Water Balance of previous year May to June #!!!#please note CWD here is NOT Climatic Water Deficit, this was a labeling error in the creation of the dataset headers CWD_May_Jun= Climatic Water Balance of current year May to June Tmax_pMay_Jun= mean monthly maximum temperature of previous year May to June Tmax_May_Jun= mean monthly maximum temperature of current year May to June weight = site replication-based weighting input for model SOM= membership of regional cluster 1-8 based on Supervised Organized Mapping

  • Changed value of field resource_size of resource beech_rawtrw.txt to {"size_value":"","size_units":""} (previously {"size_value":"","size_units":"kb"}) in European Beech tree-ring dataset 1952-2020