European Beech tree-ring dataset 1952-2020
This dataset contains the raw ring-width and climate data (1952-2020), as well as the R code to run the model and the model output used in the research article "No future growth... -
Quantitative Wood Anatomy and Maximum Latewood Density from Yamal peninsula
Data (Quantitative Wood Anatomy, Maximum Latewood Density, Volumetric Density, holo-cellulose-to-wood-ratio) used in the manuscript "New Prospects for Temperature... -
Pfynwald Geoelectric Experiment 2022
This collection of datasets consists of various measurements taken during the year 2022 in Pfynwald. It combines 2 electrical resistivity transects which were monitored in May... -
Carbon, oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in tree-ring cellulose of silver fir and...
This dataset contains annual data on carbon, oxygen and hydrogen stable isotope ratios from tree-ring cellulose in 24 silver fir and 24 Douglas-fir trees in Switzerland for the... -
Pfynwald 2019 - Dendrochronological and tree-ring isotope dataset
Data from a 17-year-long irrigation experiment (Pfynwald, Switzerland) in a naturally dry forest dominated by 100-year-old pine trees (Pinus sylvestris). This dataset includes...