ERRA -- an R script for Ensemble Rainfall-Runoff Analysis
ERRA is a data-driven, nonparametric, model-independent method for quantifying rainfall-runoff relationships across a spectrum of time lags, in systems that may be nonlinear,... -
eemma.R, an R script for Ensemble End-Member Mixing Analysis
The R script eemma.R, which implements Ensemble End-Member Mixing Analysis (EEMMA) to estimate source fractions in mixtures, exploiting information contained in time-series... -
Impulse response functions for nonlinear nonstationary and heterogeneous systems
The R script IRFnnhs.R, which efficiently estimates impulse response functions for environmental systems that are nonlinear, nonstationary, or heterogeneous, based on their... -
Data analysis toolkits
These are condensed notes covering selected key points in data analysis and statistics. They were developed by James Kirchner for the course "Analysis of Environmental Data" at... -
Ensemble hydrograph separation scripts
Calculation scripts that perform ensemble hydrograph separation. Identical scripts in R and MATLAB are provided, along with demonstration input time series and the... -
daily 500m gridded net radiation and soil moisture for Switzerland, 2004
R data set containing R raster objects with 500m gridded daily modeled soil moisture and net radiation covering Switzerland for the year 2004. -
Daily cycles in solar flux, snowmelt, transpiration, groundwater, and streamf...
Hydrometerological and ecohydrological time series from Sagehen Creek and Independence Creek, Sierra Nevada, USA, illustrating hydrological responses to daily cycles in snowmelt... -
R scripts and demonstration data for end-member mixing and splitting: using isotopes and other tracers to determine where streamflow comes from (end-member mixing) and where... -
Average precipitation and PET over Switzerland at 500m resolution
Long-term (1980-2011) average annual precipitation (pcp_ch_longterm_yr_avg.tif) and potential evapotranspiration (pet_ch_longterm_yr_avg.tif) at 500m resolution. Units are mm...