Data interactive avalanche segmentation
Images and corresponding avalanche annotations used for interactive avalanche segmentation: SLF train, vali and test WebNew GroundPic UserPic UIBK dataset: List of images used... -
Avalanche outlines February and March 1999 from aerial imagery
for English see below Datenbeschrieb Dieser Datensatz enthält die Umrisse der 11'120 Lawinen die aus schwarzweiss Luftbildern, welche zwischen dem 25.2.1999 und dem... -
SPOT6 Avalanche outlines 16 January 2019
Outlines of 6'041 avalanches mapped from SPOT6 satellite data over the Swiss Alps on 16 January 2019. The dataset was acquired following a period with very high avalanche... -
Satellite avalanche mapping validation data
Validation points, validation area, ground truth coverage, SPOT 6 avalanche outlines, Sentinel-1 avalanche outlines, Sentinel-2 avalanche outlines, Davos avalanche mapping... -
Data reliability study: avalanche size estimates and outlines
This dataset contains the data used and collected to investigate the reliability of avalanche size estimates and avalanche outlines (see related publications). Namely this is...