Long-term meteorological and snow station at 2090 m a.s.l., Stillberg, Davos,...
Important This EnviDat entry is outdated. The most recent, usable version of the data can be found under the new EnviDat entry "Long-term meteorological station Stillberg,... -
Manual bi-weekly snow profiles from Weissfluhjoch, Davos, Switzerland
Dataset of manual bi-weekly snow profiles from Weissfluhjoch, Davos, Switzerland. Typical snow profile measurements and observations are included (temperature, density, grain... -
Processed permafrost borehole data (2394 m asl), Fluelapass A, Switzerland
Processed ground temperature measurements at the Fluelapass permafrost borehole A (FLU_0102) in canton Graubunden, Switzerland. The borehole is located at 2394 m asl on a... -
WFJ2: Snow measurements from the Weissfluhjoch research site, Davos
This dataset provides HS, TSS and TS50, TS100, TS150 at the station WFJ2 situated on the Weisfluhjoch research site (2536 m asl). It has been created from merging ENET and IMIS...