Treeline Research Stillberg Switzerland

The European Long-term Treeline Ecosystem Research (eLTER) site Stillberg, Switzerland, was established in 1975. In almost 50 years, a wealth of ecological and environmental data was collected. Datasets related to the Stillberg research site are listed within this project and include (as of 24/04/2023):

• Long-term afforestation experiment at the Alpine treeline site Stillberg, Switzerland

• Long-term meteorological station Stillberg, Davos, Switzerland at 2090 m a.s.l.

• FACE: Stillberg CO2 enrichment and soil warming study

• Nutrient addition experiment at the Alpine treeline site Stillberg, Switzerland

• G-TREE: Global Treeline Range Expansion Experiment Davos, Switzerland

For further descriptions and information on the Stillberg treeline research site, please follow these links:

Publication on the open research data project Treeline Research Stillberg Switzerland: Lechler, L., Rixen, C., Bebi, P, Bavay, M., Marty, M. Barbeito, I., Dawes, M.A., Hagedorn, F., Krumm, F., Möhl, P., Schaub, M. and Frei, E.R., 2024. Five decades of ecological and meteorological data enhance the mechanistic understanding of global change impacts on the treeline ecotone in the European Alps. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 355:110126.

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