The Experimental Forest Management network

The EFM network is one of the longest running scientific projects in Switzerland and has been collecting growth and yield data since the late 1880’s. As of 2021, 28 plots had been monitored for at least 100 years and 81 for at least 75 years. The network is used to examine silvicultural treatments across a range of species, climate and edaphic conditions. There are currently 465 plots covering a total area of 148 hectares. Over the > 130-year history of the project, at least another 1000 plots were monitored and then deactivated after they reached their experimental goal (e.g. end of the rotation). The data from all 1480 plots are available for analyses.

Funding Information:

This work was supported by:
  • Swiss Federal Research Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) (link)


Forrester, David I.; Schmid, Hubert; Nitzsche, Jens (2021). The Experimental Forest Management network. EnviDat. doi:10.16904/envidat.213.

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Field Values
DOI 10.16904/envidat.213
Publication State Published
  • Email: david.forresterfoo(at) ORCID: 0000-0003-4546-3554 Given Name: David I. Family Name: Forrester Affiliation: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland DataCRediT: Collection, Validation, Curation, Software, Publication, Supervision
  • Email: hubert.schmidfoo(at) Given Name: Hubert Family Name: Schmid Affiliation: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland DataCRediT: Collection, Validation
  • Email: jens.nitzschefoo(at) Given Name: Jens Family Name: Nitzsche Affiliation: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland DataCRediT: Collection, Validation
Contact Person Given Name: David I. Family Name: Forrester Email: david.forresterfoo(at) Affiliation: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland ORCID: 0000-0003-4546-3554
Publication Publisher: EnviDat Year: 2021
  • Type: Collected Date: 1888-01-01
Version 1.0
Type dataset
General Type Dataset
Language English
Location Switzerland
Content License WSL Data Policy
Last Updated September 21, 2021, 14:45 (UTC)
Created March 5, 2021, 12:59 (UTC)