Ring wind tunnel experiments - airborne snow metamorphism and stable water isotopes

This dataset collection contains all datasets collected during the ring wind tunnel experiments in January and May 2023 at the SLF cold laboratory facilities in Davos. A full description of the experiment set-up can be found in Wahl et al. (2024). The collection contains data from 19 experiments. The dataset collection entails measurements of the stable water isotopic composition of snow samples and the water vapour inside the wind tunnel, measurements of the meteorological variables inside the wind tunnel and snow sample properties as measured with microCT measurements (sphere size distribution and specific surface area (SSA)).

Funding Information:

This work was supported by:


Wahl, Sonja; Walter, Benjamin; Bianchi, Luca; Aemisegger, Franziska; Lehning, Michael (2024). Ring wind tunnel experiments - airborne snow metamorphism and stable water isotopes. EnviDat. doi:10.16904/envidat.494.

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DOI 10.16904/envidat.494
Publication State Published
  • Email: sonja.wahlfoo(at)epfl.ch ORCID: 0000-0003-3387-6298 Given Name: Sonja Family Name: Wahl Affiliation: Ècole Polytechnique Fèdèrale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Laboratory of Cryospheric Sciences (CRYOS) and WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, Davos, Switzerland DataCRediT: Software, Curation, Collection, Validation, Publication
  • Email: walterfoo(at)slf.ch ORCID: 0000-0003-0282-8605 Given Name: Benjamin Family Name: Walter Affiliation: WSL-SLF DataCRediT: Supervision, Curation, Collection
  • Email: luca.bianchifoo(at)epfl.ch ORCID: 0009-0007-8363-8729 Given Name: Luca Family Name: Bianchi Affiliation: WSL-SLF DataCRediT: Collection
  • Email: franziska.aemiseggerfoo(at)env.ethz.ch ORCID: 0000-0002-4022-9825 Given Name: Franziska Family Name: Aemisegger Affiliation: Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland DataCRediT: Curation, Collection
  • Email: lehningfoo(at)slf.ch ORCID: 0000-0002-8442-0875 Given Name: Michael Family Name: Lehning Affiliation: Ècole Polytechnique Fèdèrale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Laboratory of Cryospheric Sciences (CRYOS) and WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, Davos, Switzerland DataCRediT: Curation, Supervision
Contact Person Given Name: Sonja Family Name: Wahl Email: sonja.wahlfoo(at)epfl.ch
Publication Publisher: EnviDat Year: 2024
  • Type: Collected Date: 2024-01-09 End Date: 2024-05-31
Version 1.0
Type dataset
General Type Dataset
Content License Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike (CC-BY-SA)    [Open Data]
Last Updated March 4, 2025, 10:59 (UTC)
Created February 28, 2024, 05:32 (UTC)