Raw data - Artificial night light intensity modulates herbivory and phytochemistry in European beech

Raw data on plant morphological traits, phytochemistry and herbivory that were analyzed in the study entitled: Artificial night light intensity modulates herbivory and phytochemistry in European beech

Funding Information:

This work was supported by:


Ceppi, Giovanna M P; Gossner, Martin M.; Rasmann, Sergio; Glauser, Gaétan; Vkoppenhagen, Nicola; Perret-Gentil, Anouchka; Bolliger, Janine; Haller, Jörg; Eisenring, Michael (2025). Raw data - Artificial night light intensity modulates herbivory and phytochemistry in European beech. EnviDat. doi:10.16904/envidat.628.

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Field Values
DOI 10.16904/envidat.628
Publication State Published
  • Email: giovanna.ceppifoo(at)bluewin.ch Given Name: Giovanna M P Family Name: Ceppi Affiliation: WSL
  • Email: martin.gossnerfoo(at)wsl.ch ORCID: 0000-0003-1516-6364 Given Name: Martin M. Family Name: Gossner Affiliation: WSL
  • Email: sergio.rasmannfoo(at)unine.ch ORCID: 0000-0002-3120-6226 Given Name: Sergio Family Name: Rasmann Affiliation: University of Neuchâtel | Functional Ecology Laboratory|Institute of Biology
  • Email: gaetan.glauserfoo(at)unine.ch Given Name: Gaétan Family Name: Glauser Affiliation: University of Neuchâtel
  • Email: nicola.vkoppenhagenfoo(at)wsl.ch Given Name: Nicola Family Name: Vkoppenhagen
  • Email: anouchka.perretfoo(at)wsl.ch Given Name: Anouchka Family Name: Perret-Gentil Affiliation: WSL
  • Email: janine.bolligerfoo(at)wsl.ch ORCID: 000-0001-8145-559X Given Name: Janine Family Name: Bolliger Affiliation: WSL
  • Email: joerg.hallerfoo(at)ekz.ch Given Name: Jörg Family Name: Haller Affiliation: EKZ
  • Email: michael.eisenringfoo(at)wsl.ch ORCID: 0000-0002-4756-7982 Given Name: Michael Family Name: Eisenring Affiliation: WSL
Contact Person Given Name: Michael Family Name: Eisenring Email: michael.eisenringfoo(at)wsl.ch
Publication Publisher: EnviDat Year: 2025
  • Type: Created Date: 2025-03-03 End Date: 2025-03-03
  • Type: Collected Date: 2022-05-16 End Date: 2022-07-16
Version 1.0
Type dataset
General Type Dataset
Content License Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike (CC-BY-SA)    [Open Data]
Last Updated March 6, 2025, 09:48 (UTC)
Created March 3, 2025, 15:09 (UTC)