Photogrammetric Drone Data Schürlialp

The data was collected on 16.04.2021 and on 28.05.2021 with a Wingtra Gen II and a Sony RX1 II RGB sensor to obtain snow depth and distribution data. Following the data collection, the data was processed with Agisoft Metashape. A 10cm DSM, a 10cm snow depth raster, a 3mm orthophoto and the original drone images are available for download.

Funding Information:

This work was supported by:

Related Publications

  • Bühler, Y., Adams, M. S., Bösch, R., and Stoffel, A.: Mapping snow depth in alpine terrain with unmanned aerial systems (UASs): potential and limitations, The Cryosphere, 10, 1075-1088, 10.5194/tc-10-1075-2016, 2016.

  • Bühler, Y., Adams, M. S., Stoffel, A., and Boesch, R.: Photogrammetric reconstruction of homogenous snow surfaces in alpine terrain applying near-infrared UAS imagery, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 8-10, 3135-3158, 10.1080/01431161.2016.1275060, 2017.

  • Eberhard, L. A., Sirguey, P., Miller, A., Marty, M., Schindler, K., Stoffel, A., and Bühler, Y.: Intercomparison of photogrammetric platforms for spatially continuous snow depth mapping, The Cryosphere, 15, 69-94, 10.5194/tc-15-69-2021, 2021.


Bühler, Yves; Stoffel, Andreas; Salzmann, Christina M. (2022). Photogrammetric Drone Data Schürlialp. EnviDat. doi:10.16904/envidat.373.

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Field Values
DOI 10.16904/envidat.373
Publication State Published
  • Email: buehlerfoo(at) ORCID: 0000-0002-0815-2717 Given Name: Yves Family Name: Bühler Affiliation: SLF Additional Affiliation : CERC DataCRediT: Collection, Validation, Supervision
  • Email: stoffelfoo(at) Given Name: Andreas Family Name: Stoffel Affiliation: SLF Additional Affiliation : CERC DataCRediT: Collection, Validation
  • Email: christina.salzmannfoo(at) Given Name: Christina M. Family Name: Salzmann Affiliation: SLF Additional Affiliation : CERC DataCRediT: Publication
Contact Person Given Name: Yves Family Name: Bühler Email: buehlerfoo(at) Affiliation: SLF ORCID: 0000-0002-0815-2717
Publication Publisher: EnviDat Year: 2022
  • Type: Collected Date: 2021-04-16
  • Type: Collected Date: 2021-02-28
Version 1.0
Type dataset
General Type Dataset
Language English
Location Switzerland
Content License ODbL with Database Contents License (DbCL)    [Open Data]
Last Updated February 22, 2023, 12:51 (UTC)
Created November 16, 2022, 13:52 (UTC)

Custom Metadata

Custom Field Values
Coordinate System CH1903+ / LV95 (Swiss Geoid 2004)
Drone Wingtra Gen II
Products DSM, Orthophoto, HS
Sensor RX1R II
Sensor Type RGB
Software Agisoft Metashape