Grassland-use intensity maps for Switzerland

A rule-based algorithm (Schwieder et al., 2022) was used to produce annual maps for 2018–2021 of grassland-management events, i.e. mowing and/or grazing, for Switzerland using Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 satellite time series. All satellite images were processed with the FORCE framework.

The resulting maps provide information on the number and timing of grassland-management events at a spatial resolution of 10 m × 10 m for the whole of Switzerland. For the final maps, permanent grasslands were masked using a variety of land-use layers, according to Huber et al. (2022) but replacing the crop mask with the agricultural-use data from the cantons.

We assessed the detection of management events based on independent reference data, which we acquired from daily time series of publicly available webcams that are widely distributed across Switzerland. We further tested the ecological relevance of the generated intensity measures in relation to nationwide biodiversity data (see Weber et al., 2023).

The webcam-based reference data used for verification was subsequently added on 14.02.2024.

Funding Information:

This work was supported by:
  • WSL
  • FOEN

Related Datasets

Huber, N., Ginzler, C., Pazúr, R., Descombes, P., Baltensweiler, A., Ecker, K., Meier, E., Price, B. (2022). Distribution maps of permanent grassland habitats for Switzerland. EnviDat. doi: 10.16904/envidat.341

Related Publications

Weber, D., Schwieder, M., Ritter, L., Koch, T., Psomas, A., Huber, N., Ginzler, C. and Boch, S. (2023), Grassland-use intensity maps for Switzerland based on satellite time series: Challenges and opportunities for ecological applications. Remote Sens Ecol Conserv. doi:10.1002/rse2.372


Weber, Dominique; Schwieder, Marcel; Ritter, Lukas; Koch, Tiziana; Psomas, Achilleas; Huber, Nica; Ginzler, Christian; Boch, Steffen (2023). Grassland-use intensity maps for Switzerland. EnviDat. doi:10.16904/envidat.428.

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DOI 10.16904/envidat.428
Publication State Published
  • Email: dominique.weberfoo(at) ORCID: 0000-0002-0402-9682 Given Name: Dominique Family Name: Weber Affiliation: WSL DataCRediT: Collection, Validation, Curation, Software, Publication
  • Email: marcel.schwiederfoo(at) ORCID: 0000-0003-2103-8828 Given Name: Marcel Family Name: Schwieder Affiliation: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut Additional Affiliation : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin DataCRediT: Collection, Validation, Curation, Software, Publication
  • Email: lukas.ritterfoo(at) Given Name: Lukas Family Name: Ritter Affiliation: WSL DataCRediT: Validation, Software, Publication
  • Email: tiziana.kochfoo(at) Given Name: Tiziana Family Name: Koch Affiliation: WSL Additional Affiliation : UZH DataCRediT: Collection, Curation, Software, Publication
  • Email: achilleas.psomasfoo(at) Given Name: Achilleas Family Name: Psomas Affiliation: WSL DataCRediT: Publication
  • Email: nica.huberfoo(at) ORCID: 0000-0001-5427-6836 Given Name: Nica Family Name: Huber Affiliation: WSL DataCRediT: Collection, Publication
  • Email: christian.ginzlerfoo(at) ORCID: 0000-0001-6365-2151 Given Name: Christian Family Name: Ginzler Affiliation: Remote Sensing, Landscape Change Science, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, 8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland DataCRediT: Publication, Supervision
  • Email: steffen.bochfoo(at) ORCID: 0000-0003-2814-5343 Given Name: Steffen Family Name: Boch Affiliation: WSL Swiss Federal Research Institute, Birmensdorf, Switzerland DataCRediT: Publication, Supervision
Contact Person Given Name: Dominique Family Name: Weber Email: dominique.weberfoo(at) Affiliation: WSL ORCID: 0000-0002-0402-9682
Publication Publisher: EnviDat Year: 2023
  • Type: Collected Date: 2018-01-01 End Date: 2021-12-31
Version 1.0
Type dataset
General Type Dataset
Language English
Location Switzerland
Content License Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike (CC-BY-SA)    [Open Data]
Last Updated February 14, 2024, 09:12 (UTC)
Created August 2, 2023, 08:50 (UTC)