Distribution maps of permanent grassland habitats for Switzerland

We modelled the spatial distribution of 20 permanent grassland habitats at the level of phytosociological alliances according to the Swiss habitat typology (TypoCH; Delarze et al. 2015) at 10x10 m resolution across Switzerland. The 20 grassland habitat types belong to the following habitat groups: fens, wet meadows, raised bogs, re-seeded and heavy fertilized grasslands, dry grasslands, nutrient-poor alpine and subalpine grasslands, nutrient-rich pastures and meadows as well as fallow grasslands.

We followed a two-step approach:

(1) Ensemble models provide distribution maps of the 20 individual grassland habitat types, using training data from various sources. Predictors were Copernicus Sentinel satellite imagery and variables describing climate, soil and topography. The performance of these maps was assessed with the True Skill Statistics and split‐sampling of the data.

Available maps for each grassland habitat: (1) Map of the median of predicted probability of occurrence; (2) Map of the standard deviation of the predicted probability of occurrence (available upon request); (3) Binary presence/absence map (available upon request). For an overview, see Overview: Maps of the individual grassland habitats.

(2) Combined maps: The individual maps were combined into countrywide maps of the most and second most likely habitat type, respectively, using an expert‐based weighting approach. The performance of the combined map for the most likely habitat type was assessed via an independent testing dataset and a comparison of the predicted habitat‐type proportions with extrapolations from field surveys.

Available combined maps: Map of the most likely habitat type (M1F; after regional corrections); Map of the second most likely habitat type (M2); Map of the most likely habitat type without regional corrections (available upon request); Map of the weighted median of the predicted probability of occurrence for the most/second most likely habitat type, respectively (available upon request); map of the ratio of the probabilities of occurrence of the most and second most likely habitat types (available upon request)

Funding Information:

This work was supported by:

Related Datasets

  • Price, Bronwyn; Huber, Nica; Ginzler, Christian; Pazúr, Robert; Rüetschi, Marius (2021). The Habitat Map of Switzerland v1. EnviDat. doi:10.16904/envidat.262.

  • Pazúr, Robert; Huber, Nica; Weber, Dominique; Ginzler, Christian; Price, Bronwyn (2021). Cropland and grassland map of Switzerland based on Sentinel-2 data. EnviDat. doi:10.16904/envidat.205.

Related Publications

Huber, Nica; Ginzler, Christian; Pazúr, Robert; Descombes, Patrice; Baltensweiler, Andri; Ecker, Klaus; Meier, Eliane; Price, Bronwyn (2022). Countrywide classification of permanent grassland habitats at high spatial resolution. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. doi:10.1002/rse2.298


Huber, Nica; Ginzler, Christian; Pazúr, Robert; Descombes, Patrice; Baltensweiler, Andri; Ecker, Klaus; Meier, Eliane; Price, Bronwyn (2022). Distribution maps of permanent grassland habitats for Switzerland. EnviDat. doi:10.16904/envidat.341.

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DOI 10.16904/envidat.341
Publication State Published
  • Email: nica.huberfoo(at)wsl.ch ORCID: 0000-0001-5427-6836 Given Name: Nica Family Name: Huber Affiliation: WSL DataCRediT: Collection, Validation, Curation, Software, Publication
  • Email: christian.ginzlerfoo(at)wsl.ch ORCID: 0000-0001-6365-2151 Given Name: Christian Family Name: Ginzler Affiliation: WSL DataCRediT: Software, Publication, Supervision
  • Email: robert.pazurfoo(at)wsl.ch ORCID: 0000-0002-9600-7420 Given Name: Robert Family Name: Pazúr Affiliation: WSL DataCRediT: Software, Publication
  • Email: patrice.descombesfoo(at)vd.ch ORCID: 0000-0002-3760-9907 Given Name: Patrice Family Name: Descombes Affiliation: Musée et Jardins botaniques cantonaux Additional Affiliation : University of Lausanne DataCRediT: Validation, Software, Publication
  • Email: andri.baltensweilerfoo(at)wsl.ch ORCID: 0000-0003-1933-6535 Given Name: Andri Family Name: Baltensweiler Affiliation: WSL DataCRediT: Collection, Publication
  • Email: klaus.eckerfoo(at)wsl.ch ORCID: 0000-0003-3388-1353 Given Name: Klaus Family Name: Ecker Affiliation: WSL DataCRediT: Validation, Publication
  • Email: eliane.meierfoo(at)agroscope.admin.ch ORCID: 0000-0002-9545-1167 Given Name: Eliane Family Name: Meier Affiliation: Agroscope DataCRediT: Validation, Publication
  • Email: bronwyn.pricefoo(at)wsl.ch ORCID: 0000-0003-3555-2588 Given Name: Bronwyn Family Name: Price Affiliation: WSL DataCRediT: Publication, Supervision
Contact Person Given Name: Nica Family Name: Huber Email: nica.huberfoo(at)wsl.ch Affiliation: WSL ORCID: 0000-0001-5427-6836
Publication Publisher: EnviDat Year: 2022
  • Type: Created Date: 2017-01-01 End Date: 2020-12-31
Version 1.0
Type dataset
General Type Dataset
Language English
Location Switzerland
Content License WSL Data Policy
Last Updated November 7, 2022, 12:12 (UTC)
Created August 15, 2022, 13:37 (UTC)