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On April 19, 2024 at 8:59:50 AM UTC, Gravatar Administrator:
  • Renamed resource Meteorological Data Alptal 1968-2023 EnviDat Updated to Meteorological data alptal 1968-2023 EnviDat updated in Longterm hydrological observatory Alptal (central Switzerland)

  • Updated description of resource Meteorological data alptal 1968-2023 EnviDat updated in Longterm hydrological observatory Alptal (central Switzerland) from

    Air temperature, dew point temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, precipitation and global radiation have been measured (since 1981) on a meadow (Erlenhöhe) in the Erlenbach catchment. It is located at 1'220 m a.s.l. with an exposure towards west. In order to assess the spatial variability of precipitation, two additional rain gauges have been running in the Vogelbach and Lümpenenbach catchment, respectively. For the period before 1981, meteorological variables have been extrapolated from the nearby MeteoSwiss station Einsiedeln (ca. 15 km north) to the WSL station Erlenhöhe using a linear correction factor for air temperature, wind speed and precipitation. Snow depth has been recorded automatically since 2003. Snow water equivalent has been calculated using two numerical models: COUP model (Jansson, 2012) and DeltaSnow model (Winkler et al., 2021) Jansson, P.-E. (2012). COUP model: model use, calibration, and validation.Transactions of the ASABE, 55(4), 1335–1344. Winkler, M., et al. (2021): Snow water equivalents exclusively from snow depths and their temporal changes: the Δsnow model, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 25, 1165-1187, 10.5194/hess-25-1165-861 2021.
    Air temperature, dew point temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, precipitation and global radiation have been measured (since 1981) on a meadow (Erlenhöhe) in the Erlenbach catchment. It is located at 1'220 m a.s.l. with an exposure towards west. In order to assess the spatial variability of precipitation, two additional rain gauges have been running in the Vogelbach and Lümpenenbach catchment, respectively. For the period before 1981, meteorological variables have been extrapolated from the nearby MeteoSwiss station Einsiedeln (ca. 15 km north) to the WSL station Erlenhöhe using a linear correction factor for air temperature, wind speed and precipitation. Snow depth has been recorded automatically since 2003. Snow water equivalent has been calculated using two numerical models: COUP model (Jansson, 2012) and DeltaSnow model (Winkler et al., 2021) Jansson, P.-E. (2012). COUP model: model use, calibration, and validation.Transactions of the ASABE, 55(4), 1335–1344. Winkler, M., et al. (2021): Snow water equivalents exclusively from snow depths and their temporal changes: the Δsnow model, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 25, 1165-1187, 10.5194/hess-25-1165-861 2021.

  • Added field publication_state to resource Meteorological data alptal 1968-2023 EnviDat updated in Longterm hydrological observatory Alptal (central Switzerland)

  • Changed value of field restricted of resource Meteorological data alptal 1968-2023 EnviDat updated to {"allowed_users": "", "level": "public", "shared_secret": ""} (previously {"level":"public","allowed_users":"","shared_secret":""}) in Longterm hydrological observatory Alptal (central Switzerland)

  • Changed value of field resource_size of resource Meteorological data alptal 1968-2023 EnviDat updated to {} (previously {"size_value":"","size_units":""}) in Longterm hydrological observatory Alptal (central Switzerland)