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On January 26, 2022 at 9:00:46 AM UTC, Gravatar Tobias Schulz:
  • Updated description of ATREE forest owners survey about forest clearances offsetting in the forest from

    In April 2020, about 1700 forest owners of the plateau region of the Canton of Berne were surveyed (most of they by a conventional paper-pencil questionnaire) about their willingness to provide forest nature conservation measures in their forest to compensate forest clearances that cannot be compensated by afforestation. The questionnaire contained a survey experiment (conjoint analysis) that offered a choice between two options and the status quo in 9 decision-making situations. Of the 607 completed questionnaires that were returned the survey experiment was completed by about 400.
    In April 2020, about 1700 forest owners of the plateau region of the Canton of Berne were invited to participate in a survey (virtually all of them received a conventional paper-pencil questionnaire) about their willingness to provide forest nature conservation measures in their forest to compensate forest clearances that cannot be compensated by afforestation. The questionnaire contained a survey experiment (conjoint analysis) that offered a choice between two options and the status quo in 9 decision-making situations. Of the 607 completed questionnaires that were returned the survey experiment was completed by about 400.