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On February 12, 2022 at 2:49:34 AM UTC, Gravatar Zhichao He:
  • Updated description of Causal effect of LUP from

    Data and code to repeat the results (Does zoning contain built-up land expansion? Causal evidence from Zhangzhou City, China) Data.dbf contains the varibles of 1662 villages in Zhangzhou Cities PSM_DID.R can re-produce the results
    Data and code to repeat the results (Does zoning contain built-up land expansion? Causal evidence from Zhangzhou City, China) Data.dbf contains the varibles of 1662 villages in Zhangzhou Cities. XZQDM2 is villages' unique administrative ID. Area is the land area of village i Dis2water is the Euclidean distance from village i to the nearest waterbody. Dis2coastl is the Euclidean distance from village i to the nearest coastline. Dis2city is the the Euclidean distance from village i to the city center Dis2county is the the Euclidean distance from village i to the nearest county center Elevation is the the average elevation within village i Dis2road is the the Euclidean distance from village i to the nearest road Nei_Built_ is the the area of built-up land (Nei Built.upit) in the neighboring villages of village i in year t Treated is a binary variable, Treated = 1 to the villages that were partially or entirely located inside the development-permitted zones, and Treated = 0 to the villages that were entirely located outside the development-permitted zones Intensity is the percentage of land that was assigned to the development-permitted zones in village i Year represent the year in 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2018, and 2020 BuLE is the dependent variable, representing built-up land expansion in village i in year t . Town is town' unique administrative ID.