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On March 5, 2025 at 1:02:29 PM UTC, Gravatar Heike Lischke:
  • Set author of Case study applications demonstrating the use and potential of the TreeMig framework v1 to [{"given_name": "Heike", "name": "Lischke", "email": "", "data_credit": ["software", "supervision", "validation", "publication"], "identifier": " 0000-0003-4284-5194", "affiliation": "WSL"}, {"given_name": "Dirk", "name": "Schmatz", "email": "", "data_credit": ["collection", "supervision", "validation", "publication"], "identifier": "0000-0002-8198-6136", "affiliation": "WSL"}, {"given_name": "Achilleas", "name": "Psomas", "email": "", "data_credit": ["collection", "validation"], "identifier": "", "affiliation": "WSL"}, {"given_name": "David", "name": "B\u00f6hm", "email": "", "data_credit": ["software", "curation", "validation", "publication"], "identifier": "", "affiliation": "WSL"}, {"given_name": "Daniel", "name": "Scherrer", "email": "", "data_credit": ["validation", "supervision", "collection", "publication"], "identifier": "0000-0001-9983-7510", "affiliation": "WSL"}] (previously [{"given_name": "Heike", "name": "Lischke", "email": "", "data_credit": ["software", "supervision", "validation", "publication"], "identifier": " 0000-0003-4284-5194", "affiliation": "WSL"}, {"given_name": "Dirk", "name": "Schmatz", "email": "", "data_credit": ["collection", "supervision", "validation", "publication"], "identifier": "0000-0002-8198-6136", "affiliation": "WSL"}, {"given_name": "Achilleas", "name": "Psomas", "email": "", "data_credit": ["collection", "validation"], "identifier": "", "affiliation": "WSL"}, {"given_name": "David", "name": "B\u00f6hm", "email": "", "data_credit": ["software", "curation", "validation"], "identifier": "", "affiliation": "WSL"}, {"given_name": "Daniel", "name": "Scherrer", "email": "", "data_credit": ["validation", "supervision", "collection", "publication"], "identifier": "0000-0001-9983-7510", "affiliation": "WSL"}])