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On August 5, 2024 at 2:17:31 PM UTC, Gravatar Christoph Marty:
  • Updated description of GCOS SWE data from 11 stations in Switzerland from

    Snowprofile from 11 observer sites in Switzerland compiled for the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS). Height of snow (cm) and snow water equivalent (mm) are recorded every 2 weeks since the 1947 (depending on station). Attached metadata file gives details of each station.
    This dataset contains long-term snow water equivalent and corresponding snow depth data 11 observer sites in Switzerland between 1200 and 2500 m a.s.l. compiled for the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) and supported by MeteoSwiss. Snow depth (cm) and snow water equivalent (mm) are manually recorded every 2 weeks since the 1947 (depending on station). The attached metadata file gives details for each station. The measurement series agree with GCOS objectives according to the GCOS Implementation Plan: This implies: • Raw data are archived in the snow and avalanche database at SLF. • Measuring techniques are traceable and documented as snow depth and snow water equivalent have in general remained the same since beginning up to now. When planning new systems or changes of existing systems in the future, their impact will be assessed prior to implementation. • Historical data of these 11 stations have been digitized and all data have been quality controlled. • Detailed metadata (location of measurements) are available. • Data gaps for the two most important winter and spring dates were reconstructed based on a published SWE parameterization from co-located snow depth measurements. • Public availability of the data has been ensured by publishing the data on the Envidat portal (