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On April 13, 2023 at 12:16:06 PM UTC, Gravatar Administrator:
  • Set author of Escarpment evolution drives the diversification of the Madagascar flora to [{"affiliation": "WSL", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Yi ", "identifier": "0000-0002-0839-2518", "name": "Liu"}, {"affiliation": "ETH", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Yanyan", "identifier": "0000-0002-0366-9485", "name": "Wang"}, {"affiliation": "ETH", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": " Sean", "identifier": "0000-0002-8408-0567", "name": "Willett"}, {"affiliation": "Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Niklaus E.", "identifier": "0000-0003-3099-9604", "name": "Zimmermann"}, {"affiliation": "Landscape Ecology, Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems, ETH Z\u00fcrich, 8049 Z\u00fcrich, Switzerland", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Loic", "identifier": "0000-0002-2289-8259", "name": "Pellissier"}] (previously [{"given_name": "Yi ", "name": "Liu", "email": "", "identifier": "0000-0002-0839-2518", "affiliation": "WSL"}, {"given_name": "Yanyan", "name": "Wang", "email": "", "identifier": "0000-0002-0366-9485", "affiliation": "ETH"}, {"given_name": " Sean", "name": "Willett", "email": "", "identifier": "0000-0002-8408-0567", "affiliation": "ETH"}, {"given_name": "Niklaus E.", "name": "Zimmermann", "email": "", "data_credit": [], "identifier": "0000-0003-3099-9604", "affiliation": "Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL"}, {"given_name": "Loic", "name": "Pellissier", "email": "", "data_credit": [], "identifier": "0000-0002-2289-8259", "affiliation": "Landscape Ecology, Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems, ETH Z\u00fcrich, 8049 Z\u00fcrich, Switzerland"}])

  • Changed value of field publication_state to reserved in Escarpment evolution drives the diversification of the Madagascar flora

  • Changed value of field doi to envidat.387 in Escarpment evolution drives the diversification of the Madagascar flora

  • Changed value of field date to [{"date": "2022-02-12", "date_type": "created", "end_date": "2023-04-12"}] in Escarpment evolution drives the diversification of the Madagascar flora