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| "metadata_created": "2023-04-12T13:27:01.045941", | | "metadata_created": "2023-04-12T13:27:01.045941", |
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| "name": | | "name": |
| arpment-evolution-drives-the-diversification-of-the-madagascar-flora", | | arpment-evolution-drives-the-diversification-of-the-madagascar-flora", |
| "notes": "Although much of the endemic biodiversity of Madagascar | | "notes": "Although much of the endemic biodiversity of Madagascar |
| can be attributed to its isolation as an island in the Indian Ocean, | | can be attributed to its isolation as an island in the Indian Ocean, |
| the high rates of speciation throughout its geologic history suggest | | the high rates of speciation throughout its geologic history suggest |
| an influence of local-scale landscape dynamics. The topographic | | an influence of local-scale landscape dynamics. The topographic |
| evolution of Madagascar is dominated by the formation of high-relief | | evolution of Madagascar is dominated by the formation of high-relief |
| continental rift escarpment and we argue that the erosion and landward | | continental rift escarpment and we argue that the erosion and landward |
| retreat of this topography creates habitat heterogeneity that has | | retreat of this topography creates habitat heterogeneity that has |
| served as a speciation pump for the island. The highest plant richness | | served as a speciation pump for the island. The highest plant richness |
| is found along the escarpment and is characterized by steady | | is found along the escarpment and is characterized by steady |
| diversification rates over the last 45 Ma. Modeled landscape evolution | | diversification rates over the last 45 Ma. Modeled landscape evolution |
| by escarpment retreat demonstrates opportunities for allopatric | | by escarpment retreat demonstrates opportunities for allopatric |
| speciation by transient habitat fragmentation through multiple | | speciation by transient habitat fragmentation through multiple |
| mechanisms, including catchment expansion, isolation of highland | | mechanisms, including catchment expansion, isolation of highland |
| remnants and formation of topographic and river barriers The | | remnants and formation of topographic and river barriers The |
| segregation of floral phylogenetic turnover parallel to the escarpment | | segregation of floral phylogenetic turnover parallel to the escarpment |
| is consistent with these mechanisms and indicates the importance of | | is consistent with these mechanisms and indicates the importance of |
| erosion-driven landscape dynamics on speciation.", | | erosion-driven landscape dynamics on speciation.", |
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| "description": "The dynamic macroecology group studies different | | "description": "The dynamic macroecology group studies different |
| aspects of ecology on large spatial and temporal scales, from the | | aspects of ecology on large spatial and temporal scales, from the |
| Pleistocene to the Anthropocene, related to the question: \u201cHow do | | Pleistocene to the Anthropocene, related to the question: \u201cHow do |
| species and their traits change in space and time, particularly with | | species and their traits change in space and time, particularly with |
| global change?\u201d", | | global change?\u201d", |
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| paper \"Escarpment evolution drives the diversification of the | | paper \"Escarpment evolution drives the diversification of the |
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