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| \"validation\", \"curation\", \"publication\"], \"email\": | | \"validation\", \"curation\", \"publication\"], \"email\": |
| \"gillianne.bowman@wsl.ch\", \"given_name\": \"Gillianne\", | | \"gillianne.bowman@wsl.ch\", \"given_name\": \"Gillianne\", |
n | \"identifier\": \"\", \"name\": \"Bowman\"}, {\"affiliation\": | n | \"identifier\": \"0000-0002-4374-3141\", \"name\": \"Bowman\"}, |
| \"WSL\", \"affiliation_02\": \"\", \"affiliation_03\": \"\", | | {\"affiliation\": \"WSL\", \"affiliation_02\": \"\", |
| \"data_credit\": [\"collection\", \"publication\"], \"email\": | | \"affiliation_03\": \"\", \"data_credit\": [\"collection\", |
| | | \"publication\"], \"email\": |
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| \", \"identifier\": \"\", \"name\": \"Sangin\\u00e9s de | | \", \"identifier\": \"\", \"name\": \"Sangin\\u00e9s de |
| C\\u00e1rcer\"}, {\"affiliation\": \"S-WIN\", \"affiliation_02\": | | C\\u00e1rcer\"}, {\"affiliation\": \"S-WIN\", \"affiliation_02\": |
| \"\", \"affiliation_03\": \"\", \"data_credit\": [\"collection\", | | \"\", \"affiliation_03\": \"\", \"data_credit\": [\"collection\", |
| \"publication\"], \"email\": \"Dimitra.VlaskouBadra@SWIN.ch\", | | \"publication\"], \"email\": \"Dimitra.VlaskouBadra@SWIN.ch\", |
| \"given_name\": \"Dimitra \", \"identifier\": \"\", \"name\": | | \"given_name\": \"Dimitra \", \"identifier\": \"\", \"name\": |
| \"Vlaskou Badra\"}, {\"affiliation\": \"WSL\", \"affiliation_02\": | | \"Vlaskou Badra\"}, {\"affiliation\": \"WSL\", \"affiliation_02\": |
| \"\", \"affiliation_03\": \"\", \"data_credit\": [\"collection\", | | \"\", \"affiliation_03\": \"\", \"data_credit\": [\"collection\", |
| \"publication\", \"supervision\"], \"email\": | | \"publication\", \"supervision\"], \"email\": |
| \"janine.schweier@wsl.ch\", \"given_name\": \"Janine\", | | \"janine.schweier@wsl.ch\", \"given_name\": \"Janine\", |
| \"identifier\": \"\", \"name\": \"Schweier\"}]", | | \"identifier\": \"\", \"name\": \"Schweier\"}]", |
| "author_email": null, | | "author_email": null, |
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| "date": "[{\"date\": \"2021-08-01\", \"date_type\": \"collected\", | | "date": "[{\"date\": \"2021-08-01\", \"date_type\": \"collected\", |
| \"end_date\": \"2021-12-01\"}]", | | \"end_date\": \"2021-12-01\"}]", |
| "doi": "10.16904/envidat.327", | | "doi": "10.16904/envidat.327", |
| "funding": "[{\"grant_number\": \"\", \"institution\": \"WSL\", | | "funding": "[{\"grant_number\": \"\", \"institution\": \"WSL\", |
| \"institution_url\": \"\"}]", | | \"institution_url\": \"\"}]", |
| "groups": [], | | "groups": [], |
| "id": "bedc69f6-045a-43c7-bb25-099ed303d3d2", | | "id": "bedc69f6-045a-43c7-bb25-099ed303d3d2", |
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| "license_url": | | "license_url": |
| ps://www.wsl.ch/en/about-wsl/programmes-and-initiatives/envidat.html", | | ps://www.wsl.ch/en/about-wsl/programmes-and-initiatives/envidat.html", |
| "maintainer": "{\"affiliation\": \"WSL\", \"email\": | | "maintainer": "{\"affiliation\": \"WSL\", \"email\": |
| \"gillianne.bowman@wsl.ch\", \"given_name\": \"Gillianne\", | | \"gillianne.bowman@wsl.ch\", \"given_name\": \"Gillianne\", |
| \"identifier\": \"\", \"name\": \"Bowman\"}", | | \"identifier\": \"\", \"name\": \"Bowman\"}", |
| "maintainer_email": null, | | "maintainer_email": null, |
| "metadata_created": "2022-05-22T20:23:33.395685", | | "metadata_created": "2022-05-22T20:23:33.395685", |
n | "metadata_modified": "2022-05-30T11:27:39.938857", | n | "metadata_modified": "2022-06-07T13:02:52.421164", |
| "name": "impact-des-extremes-sur-les-scieries", | | "name": "impact-des-extremes-sur-les-scieries", |
n | "notes": "Supplementary Information\r\n\r\nCette enqu\u00eate visait | n | "notes": "Extreme events impact on the Swiss forest economy: the |
| \u00e0 r\u00e9pondre \u00e0 trois questions principales : (i) Quels | | sawmill perspective\r\n\r\nSupplementary Information\r\nThis survey |
| sont les d\u00e9fis et les mesures prises par les scieries suisses | | aimed at answering three main questions: (i) What are the Swiss |
| apr\u00e8s une grosse temp\u00eate ou un coup de vent ? (ii) Comment | | sawmills challenges and actions taken after a large storm/windthrow?, |
| | | (ii) How do these challenges and actions vary across sawmill size and |
| | | location?, and (iii) is adaptation from the sawmills to extreme events |
| | | possible, with regards to wood type, products and required |
| | | infrastructure?\r\n\r\n\r\nInformations suppl\u00e9mentaires\r\nCette |
| | | enqu\u00eate visait \u00e0 r\u00e9pondre \u00e0 trois questions |
| | | principales : (i) Quels sont les d\u00e9fis et les mesures prises par |
| | | les scieries suisses apr\u00e8s une grosse temp\u00eate ou un coup de |
| ces d\u00e9fis et ces mesures varient-ils selon la taille et | | vent ? (ii) Comment ces d\u00e9fis et ces mesures varient-ils selon la |
| l'emplacement de la scierie ? et (iii) l'adaptation des scieries aux | | taille et l'emplacement de la scierie ? et (iii) l'adaptation des |
| \u00e9v\u00e9nements extr\u00eames est-elle possible, en ce qui | | scieries aux \u00e9v\u00e9nements extr\u00eames est-elle possible, en |
| concerne le type de bois, les produits et l'infrastructure requise | | ce qui concerne le type de bois, les produits et l'infrastructure |
| ?\r\n\t\r\nThis survey aimed at answering three main questions: (i) | | |
| What are the Swiss sawmills challenges and actions taken after a large | | |
| storm/windthrow?, (ii) How do these challenges and actions vary across | | |
| sawmill size and location?, and (iii) is adaptation from the sawmills | | |
| to extreme events possible, with regards to wood type, products and | | |
| required | | |
| nfrastructure?\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\r\nZiel | | requise ?\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\r\nZiel dieser |
| dieser Umfrage war die Beantwortung von drei Hauptfragen: (i) | | Umfrage war die Beantwortung von drei Hauptfragen: (i) Welche\r\ns |
| Welche\r\ns sind die Herausforderungen und Massnahmen der Schweizer | | sind die Herausforderungen und Massnahmen der Schweizer S\u00e4gewerke |
| S\u00e4gewerke nach einem grossen Sturm/Windwurf?, (ii) Wie | | nach einem grossen Sturm/Windwurf?, (ii) Wie unterscheiden sich diese |
| unterscheiden sich diese Herausforderungen und Massnahmen je nach | | Herausforderungen und Massnahmen je nach Gr\u00f6sse und Standort des |
| Gr\u00f6sse und Standort des S\u00e4gewerks? und (iii) Ist eine | | S\u00e4gewerks? und (iii) Ist eine Anpassung der S\u00e4gewerke an |
| Anpassung der S\u00e4gewerke an Extremereignisse m\u00f6glich, in | | Extremereignisse m\u00f6glich, in Bezug auf Holzart, Produkte und |
| Bezug auf Holzart, Produkte und erforderliche | | erforderliche Infrastruktur?\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\r\n", |
| \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\r\n", | | |
| "num_resources": 1, | | "num_resources": 1, |
n | "num_tags": 5, | n | "num_tags": 10, |
| "organization": { | | "organization": { |
| "approval_status": "approved", | | "approval_status": "approved", |
| "created": "2016-08-10T09:44:59.305912", | | "created": "2016-08-10T09:44:59.305912", |
| "description": "The Research Unit (RU) Forest Resources and | | "description": "The Research Unit (RU) Forest Resources and |
| Management is principally engaged in four research themes:\r\n\r\n* | | Management is principally engaged in four research themes:\r\n\r\n* |
| Monitoring, analysis, assessment and prognosis of forest | | Monitoring, analysis, assessment and prognosis of forest |
| resources\r\n* Silvicultural interventions to ensure the provision of | | resources\r\n* Silvicultural interventions to ensure the provision of |
| forest products and services\r\n* Availability and optimized | | forest products and services\r\n* Availability and optimized |
| utilisation of forest resources, especially timber\r\n* Development of | | utilisation of forest resources, especially timber\r\n* Development of |
| methods and models related to the three research themes mentioned | | methods and models related to the three research themes mentioned |
| previously\r\n\r\nAmong the forest resources, the RU focuses its | | previously\r\n\r\nAmong the forest resources, the RU focuses its |
| research on timber and carbon sequestration. Moreover, it provides | | research on timber and carbon sequestration. Moreover, it provides |
| contributions to protection from natural hazards and to the forest as | | contributions to protection from natural hazards and to the forest as |
| habitat and recreational area, by covering forest structures and their | | habitat and recreational area, by covering forest structures and their |
| development.\r\n\r\nAlthough the RU focuses on forests, it also deals | | development.\r\n\r\nAlthough the RU focuses on forests, it also deals |
| with the interaction between forests and other landscape elements. The | | with the interaction between forests and other landscape elements. The |
| RU handles its research themes on different spatial levels: from the | | RU handles its research themes on different spatial levels: from the |
| stand, to the forest enterprise, to the region and up to the national | | stand, to the forest enterprise, to the region and up to the national |
| level. Its research has a strong international reach, especially | | level. Its research has a strong international reach, especially |
| regarding the methods.\r\n\r\nThe RU administers the major project | | regarding the methods.\r\n\r\nThe RU administers the major project |
| Swiss National Forest Inventory LFI and executes it by statutory | | Swiss National Forest Inventory LFI and executes it by statutory |
| mandate and in co-operation with the Federal Office of the Environment | | mandate and in co-operation with the Federal Office of the Environment |
| FOEN. Substantial parts of the LFI are carried out within the RU, | | FOEN. Substantial parts of the LFI are carried out within the RU, |
| while other parts are processed in co-operation with other | | while other parts are processed in co-operation with other |
| RUs.\r\n\r\nThe RU is active in knowledge transfer. Its research | | RUs.\r\n\r\nThe RU is active in knowledge transfer. Its research |
| projects are usually application-relevant and have an implementation | | projects are usually application-relevant and have an implementation |
| component.\r\n\r\n__Further information__: | | component.\r\n\r\n__Further information__: |
| wsl/organization/research-units/forest-resources-and-management.html", | | wsl/organization/research-units/forest-resources-and-management.html", |
| "id": "f2be36b2-6e95-42f1-af29-19f56a8f306d", | | "id": "f2be36b2-6e95-42f1-af29-19f56a8f306d", |
| "image_url": "2018-07-10-090748.186777LogoWSL.svg", | | "image_url": "2018-07-10-090748.186777LogoWSL.svg", |
| "is_organization": true, | | "is_organization": true, |
| "name": "forema", | | "name": "forema", |
| "state": "active", | | "state": "active", |
| "title": "FoReMa", | | "title": "FoReMa", |
| "type": "organization" | | "type": "organization" |
| }, | | }, |
| "owner_org": "f2be36b2-6e95-42f1-af29-19f56a8f306d", | | "owner_org": "f2be36b2-6e95-42f1-af29-19f56a8f306d", |
| "private": false, | | "private": false, |
| "publication": "{\"publication_year\": \"2022\", \"publisher\": | | "publication": "{\"publication_year\": \"2022\", \"publisher\": |
| \"EnviDat\"}", | | \"EnviDat\"}", |
n | "publication_state": "reserved", | n | "publication_state": "approved", |
| "related_datasets": "", | | "related_datasets": "", |
| "related_publications": "Impact des \u00e9v\u00e9nements | | "related_publications": "Impact des \u00e9v\u00e9nements |
| m\u00e9t\u00e9orologiques extr\u00eames sur l'\u00e9conomie | | m\u00e9t\u00e9orologiques extr\u00eames sur l'\u00e9conomie |
| foresti\u00e8re suisse: le point de vue des scieries\r\nGillianne | | foresti\u00e8re suisse: le point de vue des scieries\r\nGillianne |
| Bowman1, Paula Sangin\u00e9s de C\u00e1rcer1, Dimitra Vlaskou Badra2, | | Bowman1, Paula Sangin\u00e9s de C\u00e1rcer1, Dimitra Vlaskou Badra2, |
| Janine Schweier1*\r\n*Auteur responsable\r\nAdresse\r\n1 Institut | | Janine Schweier1*\r\n*Auteur responsable\r\nAdresse\r\n1 Institut |
| f\u00e9d\u00e9ral de recherches sur la for\u00eat, la neige et le | | f\u00e9d\u00e9ral de recherches sur la for\u00eat, la neige et le |
| paysage WSL, Groupe Gestion foresti\u00e8re durable (CH)\r\n2 Swiss | | paysage WSL, Groupe Gestion foresti\u00e8re durable (CH)\r\n2 Swiss |
| Wood Innovation Network S-WIN (CH)\r\n\r\nJOURNAL FORESTIER SUISSE", | | Wood Innovation Network S-WIN (CH)\r\n\r\nJOURNAL FORESTIER SUISSE", |
| "relationships_as_object": [], | | "relationships_as_object": [], |
| "relationships_as_subject": [], | | "relationships_as_subject": [], |
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| "description": "Cette enqu\u00eate visait \u00e0 r\u00e9pondre | | "description": "Cette enqu\u00eate visait \u00e0 r\u00e9pondre |
| \u00e0 trois questions principales : (i) Quels sont les d\u00e9fis et | | \u00e0 trois questions principales : (i) Quels sont les d\u00e9fis et |
| les mesures prises par les scieries suisses apr\u00e8s une grosse | | les mesures prises par les scieries suisses apr\u00e8s une grosse |
| temp\u00eate ou un coup de vent ? (ii) Comment ces d\u00e9fis et ces | | temp\u00eate ou un coup de vent ? (ii) Comment ces d\u00e9fis et ces |
| mesures varient-ils selon la taille et l'emplacement de la scierie ? | | mesures varient-ils selon la taille et l'emplacement de la scierie ? |
| et (iii) l'adaptation des scieries aux \u00e9v\u00e9nements | | et (iii) l'adaptation des scieries aux \u00e9v\u00e9nements |
| extr\u00eames est-elle possible, en ce qui concerne le type de bois, | | extr\u00eames est-elle possible, en ce qui concerne le type de bois, |
| les produits et l'infrastructure requise ?", | | les produits et l'infrastructure requise ?", |
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| foresti\u00e8re suisse: le point de vue des scieries", | | foresti\u00e8re suisse: le point de vue des scieries", |
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| ], | | ], |
| "title": "Impact des \u00e9v\u00e9nements m\u00e9t\u00e9orologiques | | "title": "Impact des \u00e9v\u00e9nements m\u00e9t\u00e9orologiques |
| extr\u00eames sur l'\u00e9conomie foresti\u00e8re suisse: le point de | | extr\u00eames sur l'\u00e9conomie foresti\u00e8re suisse: le point de |
| vue des scieries", | | vue des scieries", |
| "type": "dataset", | | "type": "dataset", |
| "url": null, | | "url": null, |
| "version": "1.0" | | "version": "1.0" |
| } | | } |