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On August 14, 2024 at 11:19:35 AM UTC, Gravatar Tobias Moser:
  • Updated description of resource Releve data in Greater observer expertise leads to higher estimates of bryophyte species richness from

    The CSV file contains all releves considered in the mentioned study. The columns include plot identification, survey period, survey year, habitat category of the surveyed object, vegetation type of the plot, observer expertise category, scaled mean indicator values (i.e., light, nutrients, reaction, temperature and wetness), counts for the four groups (all species, liverworts, mosses exkl. _Sphagnum_ spp. and _Sphagnum_ spp.), the size categories (small, medium, large) and the modified cover classes (r, +, 1, 2, 3-5).
    The CSV file contains all releves considered in the mentioned study. The columns include plot identification, survey period, survey year, habitat category of the surveyed object, vegetation type of the plot, observer expertise category, scaled mean indicator values (i.e., light, nutrients, reaction, temperature and wetness), counts for the four groups (all species, liverworts, mosses exkl. _Sphagnum_ spp. and _Sphagnum_ spp.), the size categories (small, medium, large) and the modified cover classes (NA, r, +, 1, 2, 3-5).

  • Changed value of field resource_size of resource Releve data to {"size_units": "kb", "size_value": ""} (previously {"size_value": "", "size_units": "kb"}) in Greater observer expertise leads to higher estimates of bryophyte species richness

  • Changed value of field restricted of resource Releve data to {"allowed_users": "", "level": "same_organization", "shared_secret": ""} (previously {"level": "same_organization", "allowed_users": "", "shared_secret": ""}) in Greater observer expertise leads to higher estimates of bryophyte species richness