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On April 30, 2024 at 3:44:27 PM UTC, Gravatar Administrator:
  • Changed title to Data on multi-year drought impacts on European beech in northern Switzerland (previously Multi-year drought impacts on European beech trees after the 2018 drought)

  • Set author of Data on multi-year drought impacts on European beech in northern Switzerland to [{"affiliation": "Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Esther R.", "identifier": "0000-0003-1910-7900", "name": "Frei"}, {"affiliation": "WSL", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Martin M.", "identifier": "0000-0003-1516-6364", "name": "Gossner"}, {"affiliation": "WSL", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Yann", "identifier": "0000\u20100002\u20107454\u2010505X", "name": "Vitasse"}, {"affiliation": "Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Valentin", "identifier": "0000-0002-1888-4882", "name": "Queloz"}, {"affiliation": "WSL", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Anna", "identifier": "", "name": "Neycken"}, {"affiliation": "Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Vivanne", "identifier": "", "name": "Dubach"}, {"affiliation": "Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Zuercherstrasse 111, 8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Arthur", "identifier": "0000-0002-1910-9589", "name": "Gessler"}, {"affiliation": "Remote Sensing, Landscape Change Science, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, 8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Christian", "identifier": "0000-0001-6365-2151", "name": "Ginzler"}, {"affiliation": "Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Frank", "identifier": "0000-0001-5218-7776", "name": "Hagedorn"}, {"affiliation": "WSL", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Katrin", "identifier": "0000-0003-4623-6249", "name": "Meusburger"}, {"affiliation": "Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Maurice", "identifier": "", "name": "Moor"}, {"affiliation": "Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Eva", "identifier": "", "name": "Sambl\u00e0s Vives"}, {"affiliation": "WSL", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Andreas", "identifier": "0000-0003-1944-4042", "name": "Rigling"}, {"affiliation": "Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Ide", "identifier": "", "name": "Uitentuis"}, {"affiliation": "Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Georg", "identifier": "0000-0002-8566-4599", "name": "von Arx"}, {"affiliation": "Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Zuercherstrasse 111, 8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Thomas", "identifier": "0000-0002-4623-0894", "name": "Wohlgemuth"}] (previously [{"affiliation": "Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Esther", "identifier": "0000-0003-1910-7900", "name": "Frei"}, {"affiliation": "WSL", "affiliation_02": "ETH", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Martin", "identifier": "0000-0003-1516-6364", "name": "Gossner"}, {"affiliation": "WSL", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Yann", "identifier": "0000\u20100002\u20107454\u2010505X", "name": "Vitasse"}, {"affiliation": "Remote Sensing, Landscape Change Science, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, 8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Christian", "identifier": "0000-0001-6365-2151", "name": "Ginzler"}, {"affiliation": "WSL", "affiliation_02": "ETH", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Anna", "identifier": "", "name": "Neycken"}, {"affiliation": "Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Zuercherstrasse 111, 8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Thomas", "identifier": "0000-0002-4623-0894", "name": "Wohlgemuth"}])

  • Updated description of Data on multi-year drought impacts on European beech in northern Switzerland from

    In this study investigated multi-year drought impacts on beech forests through a unique large-scale monitoring of 963 beech trees, which showed either premature leaf discoloration during the summer 2018 or no visible damage. We conducted the study in two highly drought-affected regions in northern Switzerland and one less drought-affected region located further south. We quantified the development of crown dieback and tree mortality as well as secondary drought damage, i.e. the presenceof bleeding cankers and bark beetle infestations, in these trees for three consecutive years. We also determined the impact of several potential climate- and stand-related (predisposing) factors on mortality and drought legacy processes.
    This study investigated multi-year drought impacts on beech forests through a unique large-scale monitoring of 963 individual beech trees, which showed either premature leaf discoloration during the drought in summer 2018 or no visible damage. We conducted the study in two highly drought-affected regions in northern Switzerland and one less drought-affected region located further south. We quantified the development of crown dieback and tree mortality as well as secondary drought damage, i.e. the presence of bleeding cankers and bark beetle infestations, in these trees for three consecutive years. We also determined the impact of several potential climate- and stand-related (predisposing) factors on mortality and drought legacy processes.

  • Changed the license of Data on multi-year drought impacts on European beech in northern Switzerland to Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike (CC-BY-SA) (previously ODbL with Database Contents License (DbCL))

  • Changed value of field related_publications to wsl:31568 wsl:35573 wsl:24784 in Data on multi-year drought impacts on European beech in northern Switzerland

  • Changed value of field publication_state to published in Data on multi-year drought impacts on European beech in northern Switzerland

  • Added resource Drought and Beech: 1000 beeches data set to Data on multi-year drought impacts on European beech in northern Switzerland

  • Deleted resource from Data on multi-year drought impacts on European beech in northern Switzerland

  • Deleted resource from Data on multi-year drought impacts on European beech in northern Switzerland

  • Deleted resource from Data on multi-year drought impacts on European beech in northern Switzerland

  • Deleted resource from Data on multi-year drought impacts on European beech in northern Switzerland