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On February 3, 2025 at 9:12:02 AM UTC, Gravatar Administrator:
  • Set maintainer of Data Konzeptionelles Systemmodell to {"affiliation": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Matthias", "identifier": "", "name": "Bürgi"} (previously {"email":"","given_name":"Matthias","name":"Bürgi"})

  • Set author of Data Konzeptionelles Systemmodell to [{"affiliation": "WSL", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Matthias", "identifier": "0000-0001-9681-601X", "name": "B\u00fcrgi"}, {"affiliation": "WSL", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Elena", "identifier": "", "name": "Siegrist"}] (previously [{"given_name": "Matthias", "name": "B\u00fcrgi", "email": "", "data_credit": [], "identifier": "0000-0001-9681-601X", "affiliation": "WSL"}, {"given_name": "Elena", "name": "Siegrist", "email": "", "data_credit": [], "identifier": "", "affiliation": "WSL"}])

  • Updated description of Data Konzeptionelles Systemmodell from

    This folder contains documents relevant to the project step Konzeptionelles Systemmodell. It specifically contains the following documents: 1. 0201_Konzeptionelles Systemmodell_20221027: This document is the final version of the Konzeptionelles Systemmodell. The underlying structure of the Konzeptionelles Systemmodell is explained in chapter 4.4 of the document 0202_Masterarbeit Elena Siegrist_UniBern_Herbstsemester 2022 also deposited in this folder. The document contains 3 sheets. The sheet "Bausteine" shows the different possible options for table columns of the type Bausteine (see chapter 4.4 of Masterarbeit), the sheet "Direkte Effekte" contains identified direct impact pathways and the sheet "Indirekte Effekte" contains identified indirect impact pathways. 2. 0202_Masterarbeit Elena Siegrist_UniBern_Herbstsemester 2022: This document is the Master Thesis of Elena Grace Siegrist submitted to and accepted by the University of Bern in the Autumn Semester 2022. Chapter 4.4 of the document explains the underlying structure of the Konzeptionelles Systemmodell. 3. 0203_Literaturverzeichnis_konzeptionelles Systemmodell_20221026: This document lists all literature and documents cited in the Konzeptionelle Systemmodell.
    This folder contains documents relevant to the project step Konzeptionelles Systemmodell. It specifically contains the following documents: 1. 0201_Konzeptionelles Systemmodell_20221027: This document is the final version of the Konzeptionelles Systemmodell. The underlying structure of the Konzeptionelles Systemmodell is explained in chapter 4.4 of the document 0202_Masterarbeit Elena Siegrist_UniBern_Herbstsemester 2022 also deposited in this folder. The document contains 3 sheets. The sheet "Bausteine" shows the different possible options for table columns of the type Bausteine (see chapter 4.4 of Masterarbeit), the sheet "Direkte Effekte" contains identified direct impact pathways and the sheet "Indirekte Effekte" contains identified indirect impact pathways. 2. 0202_Masterarbeit Elena Siegrist_UniBern_Herbstsemester 2022: This document is the Master Thesis of Elena Grace Siegrist submitted to and accepted by the University of Bern in the Autumn Semester 2022. Chapter 4.4 of the document explains the underlying structure of the Konzeptionelles Systemmodell. 3. 0203_Literaturverzeichnis_konzeptionelles Systemmodell_20221026: This document lists all literature and documents cited in the Konzeptionelle Systemmodell.

  • Changed the version of Data Konzeptionelles Systemmodell to 1.0

  • Changed value of field related_publications to wsl:35308 wsl:35310 in Data Konzeptionelles Systemmodell

  • Changed value of field publication to {"publication_year": "2025", "publisher": "EnviDat"} in Data Konzeptionelles Systemmodell

  • Changed value of field date to [{"date": "2022-01-01", "date_type": "collected", "end_date": "2022-08-31"}] in Data Konzeptionelles Systemmodell

  • Changed value of field related_datasets to in Data Konzeptionelles Systemmodell

  • Changed value of field funding to [{"grant_number": "", "institution": "WSL", "institution_url": ""}] in Data Konzeptionelles Systemmodell