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On February 20, 2025 at 3:55:29 PM UTC, Gravatar Yael Frischholz:
  • Updated description of resource in Drifting and blowing snow distribution around structures for Alpine PV applications from

    This file contains the snowBedFoam simulations carried out to produce the results presented in [article not published yet]. ## Content ### 1. /simulations Groups all simulations folders organised by parameter (azimuth, groupsize, height, interspace) and by type of experiment (single_ref, group_ref). ### 2. /simulations/[parameter]/ For each parameter multiple simulations were carried out. Each simulation folder follows the same naming systematic: `helioplant_n#_h#_ARL#_BL#_az#_windDir#` - n: number of Helioplant units - h: height-above-surface - sp: regular distance between the units - ARL: additional refinement level - BL: boundary layer first cell height - windDir: wind direction - stag: staggered arangement (suffix) Here is an example of a folder content for a specific parameter (simulations/azimuth/): - `helioplant_n9_h07_sp10_ARL45_BL0015_az30_windDir5`: following the naming systematic this folder corresponds to a simulation with 9 aligned Helioplant units with 0.7m of height-above-surface, an inter-unit distance of 10m an azimuth of 30° and a wind direction of 5°. ### 3. /simulations/[parameter]/[helioplant_n#_h#_ARL#_BL#_az#_windDir#] Each simulation folder contains multiple sub-folders (0/, 100/, 300/, constant/ etc.) and files that define the experiment. For each simulation, the files used in the processing [scripts] are the following: - 0/Cx: contains the x coordinates of sampling grid cells and of the Helioplants structures. - 0/Cy: contains the y coordinates of sampling grid cells and of the Helioplants structures. - 300/kinematicCloud-massCheckPatterns: contains the snow mass distribution values [kg/m2] for each grid cell. [scripts]:
    This file contains the snowBedFoam simulations carried out to produce the results presented in _article not published yet_. ## Content ### 1. /simulations Groups all simulations folders organised by parameter (azimuth, groupsize, height, interspace) and by type of experiment (single_ref, group_ref). ### 2. /simulations/[parameter]/ For each parameter multiple simulations were carried out. Each simulation folder follows the same naming systematic: `helioplant_n#_h#_ARL#_BL#_az#_windDir#` - n: number of Helioplant units - h: height-above-surface - sp: regular distance between the units - ARL: additional refinement level - BL: boundary layer first cell height - windDir: wind direction - stag: staggered arangement (suffix) Here is an example of a folder content for a specific parameter (simulations/azimuth/): - `helioplant_n9_h07_sp10_ARL45_BL0015_az30_windDir5`: following the naming systematic this folder corresponds to a simulation with 9 aligned Helioplant units with 0.7m of height-above-surface, an inter-unit distance of 10m an azimuth of 30° and a wind direction of 5°. ### 3. /simulations/[parameter]/[helioplant_n#_h#_ARL#_BL#_az#_windDir#] Each simulation folder contains multiple sub-folders (0/, 100/, 300/, constant/ etc.) and files that define the experiment. For each simulation, the files used in the processing [scripts] are the following: - 0/Cx: contains the x coordinates of sampling grid cells and of the Helioplants structures. - 0/Cy: contains the y coordinates of sampling grid cells and of the Helioplants structures. - 300/kinematicCloud-massCheckPatterns: contains the snow mass distribution values [kg/m2] for each grid cell. [scripts]: