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On February 20, 2025 at 3:55:01 PM UTC, Gravatar Yael Frischholz:
  • Updated description of Drifting and blowing snow distribution around structures for Alpine PV applications from

    This dataset groups numerical simulation outputs and validation measurement data produced in the context of the following [publication]: "`Optimizing Snow Distribution in Alpine PV Systems: CFD-Based Design Guidelines for Power Plant Layout` [rest of citation] " The snow transport model [snowBedFoam] was used to analyse snow deposition around a specific type of Alpine PV structures named HELIOPLANT®. The results of a sensitivity analysis of multiple key parameters that govern the spatial organisation of these structures are provided here. Measurements of snow distribution taken from the test-site of the [Gondosolar] project, are provided too. To reproduce the results of the aforementioned publication, follow the instructions on this [repository]. [publication]: https:// [snowBedFoam]: [Gondosolar]: [repository]:
    This dataset groups numerical simulation outputs and validation measurement data produced in the context of the following [publication]: _not published yet_ The snow transport model [snowBedFoam] was used to analyse snow deposition around a specific type of Alpine PV structures named HELIOPLANT®. The results of a sensitivity analysis of multiple key parameters that govern the spatial organisation of these structures are provided here. Measurements of snow distribution taken from the test-site of the [Gondosolar] project, are provided too. To reproduce the results of the aforementioned publication, follow the instructions on this [repository]. [publication]: https:// [snowBedFoam]: [Gondosolar]: [repository]: