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| \"affiliation\": \"1 EPF Lausanne, School of Architecture, Civil and | | |
| Environmental Engineering, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2 Swiss Federal | | |
| Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), Mountain | | |
| Hydrology and Mass Movements, Birmensdorf, Switzerland\"}, | | |
| {\"given_name\": \"Ilja\", \"name\": \"van Meerveld\", \"email\": | | |
| \"ilja.vanmeerveld@geo.uzh.ch\", \"data_credit\": [\"supervision\", | | |
| \"curation\"], \"identifier\": \"\", \"affiliation\": \"University of | | |
| Zurich, Department of Geography, Zurich, Switzerland \"}, | | |
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| \"andrea.rinaldo@epfl.ch\", \"data_credit\": [\"supervision\"], | | |
| \"identifier\": \"\", \"affiliation\": \"1 EPF Lausanne, School of | | "author": "[{\"affiliation\": \"EPF Lausanne, School of |
| Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Lausanne, | | Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Lausanne, |
n | Switzerland, 2 Universit\\u00e0 di Padova, Department of Civil, | n | Switzerland\", \"affiliation_02\": \"Swiss Federal Institute for |
| | | Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), Mountain Hydrology and Mass |
| | | Movements, Birmensdorf, Switzerland\", \"affiliation_03\": \"\", |
| | | \"data_credit\": [\"collection\", \"validation\", \"curation\", |
| | | \"publication\"], \"email\": \"hydrology@izabelabujak.com\", |
| | | \"given_name\": \"Izabela\", \"identifier\": |
| | | \"https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3059-7376\", \"name\": \"Bujak-Ozga\"}, |
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| | | Zurich, Switzerland \", \"affiliation_02\": \"\", \"affiliation_03\": |
| | | \"\", \"data_credit\": [\"curation\", \"supervision\"], \"email\": |
| | | \"ilja.vanmeerveld@geo.uzh.ch\", \"given_name\": \"Ilja\", |
| | | \"identifier\": \"\", \"name\": \"van Meerveld\"}, {\"affiliation\": |
| | | \"EPF Lausanne, School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental |
| | | Engineering, Lausanne, Switzerland\", \"affiliation_02\": |
| | | \"Universit\\u00e0 di Padova, Department of Civil, Environmental and |
| Environmental and Architectural Engineering (DICEA), Padova, Italy\"}, | | Architectural Engineering (DICEA), Padova, Italy\", |
| {\"given_name\": \"Jana\", \"name\": \"von Freyberg\", \"email\": | | \"affiliation_03\": \"\", \"data_credit\": \"supervision\", \"email\": |
| \"jana.vonfreyberg@epfl.ch\", \"data_credit\": [\"supervision\", | | \"andrea.rinaldo@epfl.ch\", \"given_name\": \"Andrea\", |
| \"curation\", \"publication\", \"collection\"], \"identifier\": | | \"identifier\": \"\", \"name\": \"Rinaldo\"}, {\"affiliation\": \"EPF |
| \"0000-0002-2111-0001\", \"affiliation\": \"1 EPF Lausanne, School of | | |
| Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Lausanne, | | Lausanne, School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, |
| Switzerland 2 Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape | | Lausanne, Switzerland\", \"affiliation_02\": \"Swiss Federal Institute |
| Research (WSL), Mountain Hydrology and Mass Movements, Birmensdorf, | | for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), Mountain Hydrology and |
| Switzerland\"}]", | | Mass Movements, Birmensdorf, Switzerland\", \"affiliation_03\": \"\", |
| | | \"data_credit\": [\"collection\", \"curation\", \"publication\", |
| | | \"supervision\"], \"email\": \"jana.vonfreyberg@epfl.ch\", |
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| | | \"name\": \"von Freyberg\"}]", |
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| | | \"date_type\": \"created\", \"end_date\": \"2023-10-23\"}]", |
| "doi": "10.16904/envidat.450", | | "doi": "10.16904/envidat.450", |
n | "funding": "[{\"institution\":\"Swiss National Science | n | |
| tion\",\"grant_number\":\"PR00P2_185931\",\"institution_url\":\"\"}]", | | "funding": "[{\"grant_number\": \"PR00P2_185931\", \"institution\": |
| | | \"Swiss National Science Foundation\", \"institution_url\": \"\"}]", |
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n | "maintainer": | n | "maintainer": "{\"affiliation\": \"\", \"email\": |
| abelabujak.com\",\"given_name\":\"Izabela\",\"name\":\"Bujak-Ozga\"}", | | \"hydrology@izabelabujak.com\", \"given_name\": \"Izabela\", |
| | | \"identifier\": \"\", \"name\": \"Bujak-Ozga\"}", |
| "maintainer_email": null, | | "maintainer_email": null, |
| "metadata_created": "2023-10-23T05:20:13.928249", | | "metadata_created": "2023-10-23T05:20:13.928249", |
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| "name": "the-short-term-drainage-density-dynamics-dataset", | | "name": "the-short-term-drainage-density-dynamics-dataset", |
| "notes": "The dataset contains time series of water levels and | | "notes": "The dataset contains time series of water levels and |
| precipitation measured in the Erlenbach catchment and its vicinity in | | precipitation measured in the Erlenbach catchment and its vicinity in |
| summer and autumn 2021. Moreover, the dataset contains a time series | | summer and autumn 2021. Moreover, the dataset contains a time series |
| of flowing drainage network lengths calculated using the CEASE method | | of flowing drainage network lengths calculated using the CEASE method |
| developed by authors. Detailed description of the dataset is provided | | developed by authors. Detailed description of the dataset is provided |
| in the documentation. ", | | in the documentation. ", |
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| "approval_status": "approved", | | "approval_status": "approved", |
| "created": "2016-09-02T14:17:02.029939", | | "created": "2016-09-02T14:17:02.029939", |
| "description": " The Research Unit investigates natural hazard | | "description": " The Research Unit investigates natural hazard |
| processes in mountainous areas, in particular the triggering and | | processes in mountainous areas, in particular the triggering and |
| propagation of floods, sediment transport, landslides, debris flows | | propagation of floods, sediment transport, landslides, debris flows |
| and rock fall. Process studies on the scale of slopes, channels and | | and rock fall. Process studies on the scale of slopes, channels and |
| catchments form the basis for the development of simulation models and | | catchments form the basis for the development of simulation models and |
| of hazard assessment procedures and for the design of countermeasures. | | of hazard assessment procedures and for the design of countermeasures. |
| To this end worldwide unique observation systems are developed, such | | To this end worldwide unique observation systems are developed, such |
| as a debris flow balance and geophone systems for bedload transport. | | as a debris flow balance and geophone systems for bedload transport. |
| Damage and damaging processes due to frequent and extreme events are | | Damage and damaging processes due to frequent and extreme events are |
| assessed as prerequisites for the risk-based and sustainable | | assessed as prerequisites for the risk-based and sustainable |
| management of natural hazards.\r\n\r\nA second focus of the unit is on | | management of natural hazards.\r\n\r\nA second focus of the unit is on |
| the estimation and prediction of snow and water resources, e.g. for | | the estimation and prediction of snow and water resources, e.g. for |
| hydropower production or early recognition of drought. The unit | | hydropower production or early recognition of drought. The unit |
| operates a snow hydrological service for federal and cantonal agencies | | operates a snow hydrological service for federal and cantonal agencies |
| and a drought information platform for a broad range of water | | and a drought information platform for a broad range of water |
| users.\r\n\r\n__Further information__: | | users.\r\n\r\n__Further information__: |
| .ch/en/about-wsl/organization/research-units/mountain-hydrology.html", | | .ch/en/about-wsl/organization/research-units/mountain-hydrology.html", |
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| "title": "GebirgsHydrologie", | | "title": "GebirgsHydrologie", |
| "type": "organization" | | "type": "organization" |
| }, | | }, |
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| "{\"publisher\":\"EnviDat\",\"publication_year\":\"2023\"}", | | \"EnviDat\"}", |
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