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On February 17, 2025 at 10:39:43 AM UTC, Gravatar Administrator:
  • Updated description of Avalanche accidents in Switzerland since 1970/71 from

    **When using this data, please consider and adhere to the associated [Terms of Use](**. This data collection contains information concerning all known accidents by snow avalanches in Switzerland with at least one person involved (caught). The data set commences on 01/10/1970. After the completion of a hydrological year, the new data is added. The following information is provided: * avalanche identifier * date of the accident * accuracy of the date in range of days before and after * canton * municipality * start zone point latitude * start zone point longitude * start zone point accuracy (in meters) * start zone point elevation (in meteres above sea level) * slope aspect (main orientation of start zone) * slope inclination (in degree, steepest point within start zone) * forecasted avalanche danger level 1 (first danger) * forecasted avalanche danger level 2 (second danger) * accident within the core zone (most dangerous aspect and elevation as mentioned in the forecast) * number of dead persons * number of caught persons * number of fully buried persons * activity/location of the accident party at the time of the incident
    **When using this data, please consider and adhere to the associated [Terms of Use](**. This data collection contains information concerning all known accidents by snow avalanches in Switzerland with at least one person involved (caught). The data set commences on 01/10/1970. After the completion of a hydrological year, the new data is added. The following information is provided: * avalanche identifier * date of the accident * accuracy of the date in range of days before and after * canton * municipality * start zone point latitude * start zone point longitude * start zone point accuracy (in meters) * start zone point elevation (in meteres above sea level) * slope aspect (main orientation of start zone) * slope inclination (in degree, steepest point within start zone) * forecasted avalanche danger level 1 (first danger) * forecasted avalanche danger level 2 (second danger) * accident within the core zone (most dangerous aspect and elevation as mentioned in the forecast) * number of dead persons * number of caught persons * number of fully buried persons * activity/location of the accident party at the time of the incident