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On July 21, 2021 at 5:28:18 PM UTC, Gravatar Administrator:
  • Updated description of resource reproduce_S2A_CORE in Cloud Optimized Raster Encoding (CORE) format from

    Shell script to reproduce results for the CORE format. You can 1) download and unzip the file, 2) make the script executable and 3) run it. Disclaimer: the script is only provided for peer review. Proper software for working with CORE will become available in time on (both Web/JS for Frontend and Python for Backend).
    Shell script to reproduce the CORE format. You can 1) download and unzip the file, 2) make the script executable and 3) run it. Disclaimer: only provided for peer review. Proper software for working with CORE will become available in time on (both Web/JS for Frontend and Python for Backend).