f | { | f | { |
| "author": "[{\"given_name\": \"Elisabeth D.\", \"name\": \"Hafner\", | | "author": "[{\"given_name\": \"Elisabeth D.\", \"name\": \"Hafner\", |
| \"email\": \"elisabeth.hafner@slf.ch\", \"data_credit\": [], | | \"email\": \"elisabeth.hafner@slf.ch\", \"data_credit\": [], |
| \"identifier\": \"0000-0002-9554-7900\", \"affiliation\": \"SLF\"}, | | \"identifier\": \"0000-0002-9554-7900\", \"affiliation\": \"SLF\"}, |
| {\"given_name\": \"Jor Fergus\", \"name\": \"Dal\", \"email\": | | {\"given_name\": \"Jor Fergus\", \"name\": \"Dal\", \"email\": |
| \"jor.fergus.dal@gmail.com\", \"data_credit\": [], \"identifier\": | | \"jor.fergus.dal@gmail.com\", \"data_credit\": [], \"identifier\": |
| \"\", \"affiliation\": \"SLF\"}]", | | \"\", \"affiliation\": \"SLF\"}]", |
| "author_email": null, | | "author_email": null, |
| "creator_user_id": "ee1860fb-4163-43f4-8e83-2c78aad5925b", | | "creator_user_id": "ee1860fb-4163-43f4-8e83-2c78aad5925b", |
| "date": | | "date": |
| :\"collected\",\"date\":\"1999-02-25\",\"end_date\":\"1999-03-01\"}]", | | :\"collected\",\"date\":\"1999-02-25\",\"end_date\":\"1999-03-01\"}]", |
| "doi": "10.16904/envidat.579", | | "doi": "10.16904/envidat.579", |
| "funding": | | "funding": |
| ion\":\"Swisstopo\",\"grant_number\":\"\",\"institution_url\":\"\"}]", | | ion\":\"Swisstopo\",\"grant_number\":\"\",\"institution_url\":\"\"}]", |
| "groups": [], | | "groups": [], |
| "id": "ac52bb46-c042-429b-83e2-feb5f397db99", | | "id": "ac52bb46-c042-429b-83e2-feb5f397db99", |
| "isopen": true, | | "isopen": true, |
| "license_id": "cc-by-sa", | | "license_id": "cc-by-sa", |
| "license_title": "Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike | | "license_title": "Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike |
| (CC-BY-SA)", | | (CC-BY-SA)", |
| "license_url": "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/", | | "license_url": "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/", |
| "maintainer": | | "maintainer": |
| "{\"email\":\"elisabeth.hafner@slf.ch\",\"given_name\":\"Elisabeth | | "{\"email\":\"elisabeth.hafner@slf.ch\",\"given_name\":\"Elisabeth |
| D.\",\"name\":\"Hafner\"}", | | D.\",\"name\":\"Hafner\"}", |
| "maintainer_email": null, | | "maintainer_email": null, |
| "metadata_created": "2024-12-18T07:25:26.446180", | | "metadata_created": "2024-12-18T07:25:26.446180", |
n | "metadata_modified": "2025-01-28T07:29:08.275686", | n | "metadata_modified": "2025-01-28T07:29:14.593318", |
| "name": "avalanche-outlines", | | "name": "avalanche-outlines", |
| "notes": "**for English see | | "notes": "**for English see |
| ********************************************************************** | | ********************************************************************** |
t | \n\n### Datenbeschrieb\n\n\nDieser Datensatz enth\u00e4lt die | t | \n\n### Datenbeschrieb \n\n\nDieser Datensatz enth\u00e4lt die |
| **Umrisse der 11'120 Lawinen** die aus schwarzweiss Luftbildern, | | **Umrisse der 11'120 Lawinen** die aus schwarzweiss Luftbildern, |
| welche zwischen dem 25.2.1999 und dem 1.3.1999 aufgenommen wurden, | | welche zwischen dem 25.2.1999 und dem 1.3.1999 aufgenommen wurden, |
| kartiert wurden. Die Lawinenumrisse haben verschiedene Attribute | | kartiert wurden. Die Lawinenumrisse haben verschiedene Attribute |
| welche im **beigelegten Beispielschl\u00fcssel** beschrieben sind | | welche im **beigelegten Beispielschl\u00fcssel** beschrieben sind |
| (Beispielschluessel_1999_d.pdf).\n\nEs gibt drei Shapefiles:\n* | | (Beispielschluessel_1999_d.pdf).\n\nEs gibt drei Shapefiles:\n* |
| **avalanches1999_endversion1.shp**: die kartierten Lawinen (f\u00fcr | | **avalanches1999_endversion1.shp**: die kartierten Lawinen (f\u00fcr |
| Attribute siehe Beispielschl\u00fcssel!)\n* **area_images_1999.shp**: | | Attribute siehe Beispielschl\u00fcssel!)\n* **area_images_1999.shp**: |
| Fl\u00e4che die durch die Luftbilder abgedeckt wurde\n* | | Fl\u00e4che die durch die Luftbilder abgedeckt wurde\n* |
| **clouds_1999.shp**: grobe Umrisse der Wolken in den | | **clouds_1999.shp**: grobe Umrisse der Wolken in den |
| Bildern\n\n\n\n### Bildverf\u00fcgbarkeit:\nDie entzerrten Luftbilder | | Bildern\n\n\n\n### Bildverf\u00fcgbarkeit:\nDie entzerrten Luftbilder |
| k\u00f6nnen von der [Swisstopo](https://s.geo.admin.ch/rpq3hufnb588) | | k\u00f6nnen von der [Swisstopo](https://s.geo.admin.ch/rpq3hufnb588) |
| einzeln \u00fcber den Downloadlink heruntergeladen werden (herzlichen | | einzeln \u00fcber den Downloadlink heruntergeladen werden (herzlichen |
| Dank an Holger Heisig f\u00fcr die Prozessierung und ans BAFU f\u00fcr | | Dank an Holger Heisig f\u00fcr die Prozessierung und ans BAFU f\u00fcr |
| die Finanzierung der Prozessierung!!). \u00dcber \"Erweiterte | | die Finanzierung der Prozessierung!!). \u00dcber \"Erweiterte |
| Werkzeuge\"/ \"Datei importieren\" k\u00f6nnen die Bilder nach | | Werkzeuge\"/ \"Datei importieren\" k\u00f6nnen die Bilder nach |
| hereinziehen des Orthofotolinks direkt im map.geo.admin.ch angezeigt | | hereinziehen des Orthofotolinks direkt im map.geo.admin.ch angezeigt |
| werden. \n\n\n### Weiterf\u00fchrende Litertaur:\nDetails zu den | | werden. \n\n\n### Weiterf\u00fchrende Litertaur:\nDetails zu den |
| Luftbildern und zur Kartierung, sowie eine kleine Analyse und | | Luftbildern und zur Kartierung, sowie eine kleine Analyse und |
| Empfehlungen zur Verwendung der Daten finden sich unter \n\n- **FAN | | Empfehlungen zur Verwendung der Daten finden sich unter \n\n- **FAN |
| Publikation** (Info folgt)\n\n- Dal, F. J., Hafner, E. D., Peters, T., | | Publikation** (Info folgt)\n\n- Dal, F. J., Hafner, E. D., Peters, T., |
| Narnhofer, D., Caye Daudt, R., Heisig, H., & B\u00fchler, Y. (2024). | | Narnhofer, D., Caye Daudt, R., Heisig, H., & B\u00fchler, Y. (2024). |
| Automated snow avalanche mapping with deep learning in aerial imagery | | Automated snow avalanche mapping with deep learning in aerial imagery |
| from the extreme avalanche winter of 1999. In K. Gisn\u00e5s, P. | | from the extreme avalanche winter of 1999. In K. Gisn\u00e5s, P. |
| Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. M\u00fcller | | Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. M\u00fcller |
| (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 | | (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 |
| (pp. 1264-1271). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. \n\n- Hafner, E. | | (pp. 1264-1271). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. \n\n- Hafner, E. |
| D., Techel, F., Heisig, H., Dal, J. F., & B\u00fchler, Y. (2024). | | D., Techel, F., Heisig, H., Dal, J. F., & B\u00fchler, Y. (2024). |
| Remotely sensed avalanche activity during three extreme avalanche | | Remotely sensed avalanche activity during three extreme avalanche |
| periods in Switzerland. In K. Gisn\u00e5s, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. | | periods in Switzerland. In K. Gisn\u00e5s, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. |
| Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. M\u00fcller (Eds.), Proceedings of the | | Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. M\u00fcller (Eds.), Proceedings of the |
| international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 1222-1229). Norwegian | | international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 1222-1229). Norwegian |
| Geotechnical | | Geotechnical |
| *****************************************************************\n### | | *****************************************************************\n### |
| Data description\nThis dataset contains the **outlines of 11'120 | | Data description\nThis dataset contains the **outlines of 11'120 |
| avalanches** mapped from panchromatic aerial imagery taken between | | avalanches** mapped from panchromatic aerial imagery taken between |
| February 25, 1999 and March 1, 1999. The avalanche outlines have | | February 25, 1999 and March 1, 1999. The avalanche outlines have |
| various attributes which are described in the **attached example key** | | various attributes which are described in the **attached example key** |
| (ExampleKey_AvalMapping_1999_e.pdf).\n\nThere are three shapefiles:\n* | | (ExampleKey_AvalMapping_1999_e.pdf).\n\nThere are three shapefiles:\n* |
| **avalanches1999_endversion1.shp**: the mapped avalanches (for | | **avalanches1999_endversion1.shp**: the mapped avalanches (for |
| attributes see example key!)\n**area_images_1999.shp**: Area covered | | attributes see example key!)\n**area_images_1999.shp**: Area covered |
| by the aerial images\n**clouds_1999.shp**: rough outlines of the | | by the aerial images\n**clouds_1999.shp**: rough outlines of the |
| clouds in the images\n\n### Image availability:\nThe rectified aerial | | clouds in the images\n\n### Image availability:\nThe rectified aerial |
| images can be downloaded individually from | | images can be downloaded individually from |
| [Swisstopo](https://s.geo.admin.ch/bg6beetinfdc) via the download link | | [Swisstopo](https://s.geo.admin.ch/bg6beetinfdc) via the download link |
| (many thanks to Holger Heisig for processing and to BAFU for financing | | (many thanks to Holger Heisig for processing and to BAFU for financing |
| the processing!!). The images can be displayed directly in | | the processing!!). The images can be displayed directly in |
| map.geo.admin.ch via \u201cAdvanced tools\u201d/\u201cImport | | map.geo.admin.ch via \u201cAdvanced tools\u201d/\u201cImport |
| file\u201d after dragging in the orthophoto link. \n\n### Further | | file\u201d after dragging in the orthophoto link. \n\n### Further |
| Reading:\nDetails on the aerial images and mapping, as well as a brief | | Reading:\nDetails on the aerial images and mapping, as well as a brief |
| analysis and tips on using the data can be found at \n\n- **FAN | | analysis and tips on using the data can be found at \n\n- **FAN |
| Publication** (info to follow)\n\n- Dal, F. J., Hafner, E. D., Peters, | | Publication** (info to follow)\n\n- Dal, F. J., Hafner, E. D., Peters, |
| T., Narnhofer, D., Caye Daudt, R., Heisig, H., & B\u00fchler, Y. | | T., Narnhofer, D., Caye Daudt, R., Heisig, H., & B\u00fchler, Y. |
| (2024). Automated snow avalanche mapping with deep learning in aerial | | (2024). Automated snow avalanche mapping with deep learning in aerial |
| imagery from the extreme avalanche winter of 1999. In K. Gisn\u00e5s, | | imagery from the extreme avalanche winter of 1999. In K. Gisn\u00e5s, |
| P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. M\u00fcller | | P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. M\u00fcller |
| (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 | | (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 |
| (pp. 1264-1271). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. \n\n- Hafner, E. | | (pp. 1264-1271). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. \n\n- Hafner, E. |
| D., Techel, F., Heisig, H., Dal, J. F., & B\u00fchler, Y. (2024). | | D., Techel, F., Heisig, H., Dal, J. F., & B\u00fchler, Y. (2024). |
| Remotely sensed avalanche activity during three extreme avalanche | | Remotely sensed avalanche activity during three extreme avalanche |
| periods in Switzerland. In K. Gisn\u00e5s, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. | | periods in Switzerland. In K. Gisn\u00e5s, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. |
| Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. M\u00fcller (Eds.), Proceedings of the | | Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. M\u00fcller (Eds.), Proceedings of the |
| international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 1222-1229). Norwegian | | international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 1222-1229). Norwegian |
| Geotechnical Institute.", | | Geotechnical Institute.", |
| "num_resources": 1, | | "num_resources": 1, |
| "num_tags": 5, | | "num_tags": 5, |
| "organization": { | | "organization": { |
| "approval_status": "approved", | | "approval_status": "approved", |
| "created": "2021-10-27T11:11:19.402891", | | "created": "2021-10-27T11:11:19.402891", |
| "description": "\"__Cutting edge remote sensing research and | | "description": "\"__Cutting edge remote sensing research and |
| technology for alpine regions__ - We strive to develop, test, combine | | technology for alpine regions__ - We strive to develop, test, combine |
| and apply innovative solutions to detect, monitor and forecast natural | | and apply innovative solutions to detect, monitor and forecast natural |
| hazards, aiming at safe mountains in a changing climate.\"\r\nClimate | | hazards, aiming at safe mountains in a changing climate.\"\r\nClimate |
| change is having an increasing impact on the Alpine region and the | | change is having an increasing impact on the Alpine region and the |
| potential for natural hazard processes in the high mountains is | | potential for natural hazard processes in the high mountains is |
| rising. However, it is impossible to predict where extreme events will | | rising. However, it is impossible to predict where extreme events will |
| occur, and complete protection of settlements and transport routes is | | occur, and complete protection of settlements and transport routes is |
| technically and economically impossible.\r\n\r\nRemote sensing systems | | technically and economically impossible.\r\n\r\nRemote sensing systems |
| on the ground, on drones, aircraft or satellites are increasingly | | on the ground, on drones, aircraft or satellites are increasingly |
| becoming an important tool in natural hazard research. They can be | | becoming an important tool in natural hazard research. They can be |
| used to accurately document events, continuously record changes, and | | used to accurately document events, continuously record changes, and |
| identify potential \"hotspots\" at an early stage. The combination of | | identify potential \"hotspots\" at an early stage. The combination of |
| optical and radar remote sensing systems has great potential to | | optical and radar remote sensing systems has great potential to |
| increase the level of safety. The center is researching how such | | increase the level of safety. The center is researching how such |
| systems can be optimally used in the future in high alpine terrain for | | systems can be optimally used in the future in high alpine terrain for |
| the documentation, detection and prevention of natural | | the documentation, detection and prevention of natural |
| hazards.\r\n\r\nAlpine remote sensing is one of the main topics of the | | hazards.\r\n\r\nAlpine remote sensing is one of the main topics of the |
| CERC research centre.", | | CERC research centre.", |
| "id": "10cde33b-8da7-448a-b627-93e43d326154", | | "id": "10cde33b-8da7-448a-b627-93e43d326154", |
| "image_url": | | "image_url": |
| s://www.envidat.ch/uploads/group/2016-05-24-141521.837240logoslf.png", | | s://www.envidat.ch/uploads/group/2016-05-24-141521.837240logoslf.png", |
| "is_organization": true, | | "is_organization": true, |
| "name": "alpine-remote-sensing", | | "name": "alpine-remote-sensing", |
| "state": "active", | | "state": "active", |
| "title": "Alpine Remote Sensing", | | "title": "Alpine Remote Sensing", |
| "type": "organization" | | "type": "organization" |
| }, | | }, |
| "owner_org": "10cde33b-8da7-448a-b627-93e43d326154", | | "owner_org": "10cde33b-8da7-448a-b627-93e43d326154", |
| "private": false, | | "private": false, |
| "publication": | | "publication": |
| "{\"publisher\":\"EnviDat\",\"publication_year\":\"2024\"}", | | "{\"publisher\":\"EnviDat\",\"publication_year\":\"2024\"}", |
| "publication_state": "published", | | "publication_state": "published", |
| "related_datasets": "* [avalanches January 2018 mapped from SPOT6/7 | | "related_datasets": "* [avalanches January 2018 mapped from SPOT6/7 |
| satellite imagery](https://www.doi.org/10.16904/envidat.77)\n* | | satellite imagery](https://www.doi.org/10.16904/envidat.77)\n* |
| [avalanches January 2019 mapped from SPOT6/7 satellite | | [avalanches January 2019 mapped from SPOT6/7 satellite |
| imagery](https://www.doi.org/10.16904/envidat.235)\n", | | imagery](https://www.doi.org/10.16904/envidat.235)\n", |
| "related_publications": "", | | "related_publications": "", |
| "relationships_as_object": [], | | "relationships_as_object": [], |
| "relationships_as_subject": [], | | "relationships_as_subject": [], |
| "resource_type": "dataset", | | "resource_type": "dataset", |
| "resource_type_general": "dataset", | | "resource_type_general": "dataset", |
| "resources": [ | | "resources": [ |
| { | | { |
| "cache_last_updated": null, | | "cache_last_updated": null, |
| "cache_url": null, | | "cache_url": null, |
| "created": "2025-01-27T10:50:33.538088", | | "created": "2025-01-27T10:50:33.538088", |
| "description": "**for English see below**\nDieser Datensatz | | "description": "**for English see below**\nDieser Datensatz |
| enth\u00e4lt die **Umrisse der 11'120 Lawinen** die aus schwarzweiss | | enth\u00e4lt die **Umrisse der 11'120 Lawinen** die aus schwarzweiss |
| Luftbildern, welche zwischen dem 25.2.1999 und dem 1.3.1999 | | Luftbildern, welche zwischen dem 25.2.1999 und dem 1.3.1999 |
| aufgenommen wurden, kartiert wurden. Die Lawinenumrisse haben | | aufgenommen wurden, kartiert wurden. Die Lawinenumrisse haben |
| verschiedene Attribute welche im **beigelegten | | verschiedene Attribute welche im **beigelegten |
| Beispielschl\u00fcssel** beschrieben sind | | Beispielschl\u00fcssel** beschrieben sind |
| (Beispielschluessel_1999_d.pdf).\n\nEs gibt drei Shapefiles:\n* | | (Beispielschluessel_1999_d.pdf).\n\nEs gibt drei Shapefiles:\n* |
| **avalanches1999_endversion1.shp**: die kartierten Lawinen (f\u00fcr | | **avalanches1999_endversion1.shp**: die kartierten Lawinen (f\u00fcr |
| Attribute siehe Beispielschl\u00fcssel!)\n* **area_images_1999.shp**: | | Attribute siehe Beispielschl\u00fcssel!)\n* **area_images_1999.shp**: |
| Fl\u00e4che die durch die Luftbilder abgedeckt wurde\n* | | Fl\u00e4che die durch die Luftbilder abgedeckt wurde\n* |
| **clouds_1999.shp**: grobe Umrisse der Wolken in den Bildern\n#\n# | | **clouds_1999.shp**: grobe Umrisse der Wolken in den Bildern\n#\n# |
| ****************************************************************\nThis | | ****************************************************************\nThis |
| dataset contains the **outlines of 11'120 avalanches** mapped from | | dataset contains the **outlines of 11'120 avalanches** mapped from |
| panchromatic aerial imagery taken between February 25, 1999 and March | | panchromatic aerial imagery taken between February 25, 1999 and March |
| 1, 1999. The avalanche outlines have various attributes which are | | 1, 1999. The avalanche outlines have various attributes which are |
| described in the **attached example key** | | described in the **attached example key** |
| (ExampleKey_AvalMapping_1999_e.pdf).\n\nThere are three shapefiles:\n* | | (ExampleKey_AvalMapping_1999_e.pdf).\n\nThere are three shapefiles:\n* |
| **avalanches1999_endversion1.shp**: the mapped avalanches (for | | **avalanches1999_endversion1.shp**: the mapped avalanches (for |
| attributes see example key!)\n**area_images_1999.shp**: Area covered | | attributes see example key!)\n**area_images_1999.shp**: Area covered |
| by the aerial images\n**clouds_1999.shp**: rough outlines of the | | by the aerial images\n**clouds_1999.shp**: rough outlines of the |
| clouds in the images", | | clouds in the images", |
| "doi": "", | | "doi": "", |
| "format": "ZIP", | | "format": "ZIP", |
| "hash": "", | | "hash": "", |
| "id": "a86944ff-6bb2-4b9d-b7d2-26b4571be620", | | "id": "a86944ff-6bb2-4b9d-b7d2-26b4571be620", |
| "last_modified": "2025-01-27T15:50:20.036000", | | "last_modified": "2025-01-27T15:50:20.036000", |
| "metadata_modified": "2025-01-27T14:50:20.417727", | | "metadata_modified": "2025-01-27T14:50:20.417727", |
| "mimetype": "application/x-zip-compressed", | | "mimetype": "application/x-zip-compressed", |
| "mimetype_inner": null, | | "mimetype_inner": null, |
| "name": "1999 avalanche data", | | "name": "1999 avalanche data", |
| "package_id": "ac52bb46-c042-429b-83e2-feb5f397db99", | | "package_id": "ac52bb46-c042-429b-83e2-feb5f397db99", |
| "position": 0, | | "position": 0, |
| "resource_size": "{\"size_value\":\"\",\"size_units\":\"\"}", | | "resource_size": "{\"size_value\":\"\",\"size_units\":\"\"}", |
| "resource_type": null, | | "resource_type": null, |
| "restricted": | | "restricted": |
| {\"level\":\"public\",\"allowed_users\":\"\",\"shared_secret\":\"\"}", | | {\"level\":\"public\",\"allowed_users\":\"\",\"shared_secret\":\"\"}", |
| "size": 150084348, | | "size": 150084348, |
| "state": "active", | | "state": "active", |
| "url": | | "url": |
| 4ff-6bb2-4b9d-b7d2-26b4571be620/download/avalanche_data_1999_all.zip", | | 4ff-6bb2-4b9d-b7d2-26b4571be620/download/avalanche_data_1999_all.zip", |
| "url_type": "upload" | | "url_type": "upload" |
| } | | } |
| ], | | ], |
| "spatial": | | "spatial": |
| 838],[10.49203,47.80838],[10.49203,45.81802],[5.95587,45.81802]]]}]}", | | 838],[10.49203,47.80838],[10.49203,45.81802],[5.95587,45.81802]]]}]}", |
| "state": "active", | | "state": "active", |
| "subtitle": "", | | "subtitle": "", |
| "tags": [ | | "tags": [ |
| { | | { |
| "display_name": "AERIAL IMAGERY", | | "display_name": "AERIAL IMAGERY", |
| "id": "6561f341-f020-4444-accc-56fafc5b69c1", | | "id": "6561f341-f020-4444-accc-56fafc5b69c1", |
| "name": "AERIAL IMAGERY", | | "name": "AERIAL IMAGERY", |
| "state": "active", | | "state": "active", |
| "vocabulary_id": null | | "vocabulary_id": null |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "display_name": "AVALANCHE", | | "display_name": "AVALANCHE", |
| "id": "639e8ec6-fc41-4036-a605-0dc6fbe0fca1", | | "id": "639e8ec6-fc41-4036-a605-0dc6fbe0fca1", |
| "name": "AVALANCHE", | | "name": "AVALANCHE", |
| "state": "active", | | "state": "active", |
| "vocabulary_id": null | | "vocabulary_id": null |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "display_name": "AVALANCHE ACTIVITY", | | "display_name": "AVALANCHE ACTIVITY", |
| "id": "a877b1a4-1149-423d-9d2f-7db52d4e92b1", | | "id": "a877b1a4-1149-423d-9d2f-7db52d4e92b1", |
| "state": "active", | | "state": "active", |
| "vocabulary_id": null | | "vocabulary_id": null |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "display_name": "AVALANCHE MAPPING", | | "display_name": "AVALANCHE MAPPING", |
| "id": "9e268b9b-8adf-4194-bbc9-631840156557", | | "id": "9e268b9b-8adf-4194-bbc9-631840156557", |
| "name": "AVALANCHE MAPPING", | | "name": "AVALANCHE MAPPING", |
| "state": "active", | | "state": "active", |
| "vocabulary_id": null | | "vocabulary_id": null |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "display_name": "REMOTE SENSING", | | "display_name": "REMOTE SENSING", |
| "id": "1bc9d51e-2500-44a7-857b-13710a59e4be", | | "id": "1bc9d51e-2500-44a7-857b-13710a59e4be", |
| "name": "REMOTE SENSING", | | "name": "REMOTE SENSING", |
| "state": "active", | | "state": "active", |
| "vocabulary_id": null | | "vocabulary_id": null |
| } | | } |
| ], | | ], |
| "title": "Avalanche outlines February and March 1999 from aerial | | "title": "Avalanche outlines February and March 1999 from aerial |
| imagery", | | imagery", |
| "type": "dataset", | | "type": "dataset", |
| "url": null | | "url": null |
| } | | } |