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On January 28, 2025 at 7:36:33 AM UTC, Gravatar Administrator:
  • Set maintainer of Avalanche outlines February and March 1999 from aerial imagery to {"affiliation": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Elisabeth D.", "identifier": "", "name": "Hafner"} (previously {"email":"","given_name":"Elisabeth D.","name":"Hafner"})

  • Set author of Avalanche outlines February and March 1999 from aerial imagery to [{"affiliation": "SLF", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Elisabeth D.", "identifier": "0000-0002-9554-7900", "name": "Hafner"}, {"affiliation": "SLF", "affiliation_02": "", "affiliation_03": "", "email": "", "given_name": "Jor Fergus", "identifier": "", "name": "Dal"}] (previously [{"given_name": "Elisabeth D.", "name": "Hafner", "email": "", "data_credit": [], "identifier": "0000-0002-9554-7900", "affiliation": "SLF"}, {"given_name": "Jor Fergus", "name": "Dal", "email": "", "data_credit": [], "identifier": "", "affiliation": "SLF"}])

  • Updated description of Avalanche outlines February and March 1999 from aerial imagery from

    **for English see below** ******************************************************************************* <br/> </br> ### Datenbeschrieb <br/> </br> Dieser Datensatz enthält die **Umrisse der 11'120 Lawinen** die aus schwarzweiss Luftbildern, welche zwischen dem 25.2.1999 und dem 1.3.1999 aufgenommen wurden, kartiert wurden. Die Lawinenumrisse haben verschiedene Attribute welche im **beigelegten Beispielschlüssel** beschrieben sind (Beispielschluessel_1999_d.pdf). Es gibt drei Shapefiles: * **avalanches1999_endversion1.shp**: die kartierten Lawinen (für Attribute siehe Beispielschlüssel!) * **area_images_1999.shp**: Fläche die durch die Luftbilder abgedeckt wurde * **clouds_1999.shp**: grobe Umrisse der Wolken in den Bildern ### Bildverfügbarkeit: Die entzerrten Luftbilder können von der [Swisstopo]( einzeln über den Downloadlink heruntergeladen werden (herzlichen Dank an Holger Heisig für die Prozessierung und ans BAFU für die Finanzierung der Prozessierung!!). Über "Erweiterte Werkzeuge"/ "Datei importieren" können die Bilder nach hereinziehen des Orthofotolinks direkt im angezeigt werden. ### Weiterführende Litertaur: Details zu den Luftbildern und zur Kartierung, sowie eine kleine Analyse und Empfehlungen zur Verwendung der Daten finden sich unter - **FAN Publikation** (Info folgt) - Dal, F. J., Hafner, E. D., Peters, T., Narnhofer, D., Caye Daudt, R., Heisig, H., & Bühler, Y. (2024). Automated snow avalanche mapping with deep learning in aerial imagery from the extreme avalanche winter of 1999. In K. Gisnås, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. Müller (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 1264-1271). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. - Hafner, E. D., Techel, F., Heisig, H., Dal, J. F., & Bühler, Y. (2024). Remotely sensed avalanche activity during three extreme avalanche periods in Switzerland. In K. Gisnås, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. Müller (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 1222-1229). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. ******************************************************************************* <br/> </br> ### Data description <br/> </br> This dataset contains the **outlines of 11'120 avalanches** mapped from panchromatic aerial imagery taken between February 25, 1999 and March 1, 1999. The avalanche outlines have various attributes which are described in the **attached example key** (ExampleKey_AvalMapping_1999_e.pdf). There are three shapefiles: * **avalanches1999_endversion1.shp**: the mapped avalanches (for attributes see example key!) **area_images_1999.shp**: Area covered by the aerial images **clouds_1999.shp**: rough outlines of the clouds in the images ### Image availability: The rectified aerial images can be downloaded individually from [Swisstopo]( via the download link (many thanks to Holger Heisig for processing and to BAFU for financing the processing!!). The images can be displayed directly in via “Advanced tools”/“Import file” after dragging in the orthophoto link. ### Further Reading: Details on the aerial images and mapping, as well as a brief analysis and tips on using the data can be found at - **FAN Publication** (info to follow) - Dal, F. J., Hafner, E. D., Peters, T., Narnhofer, D., Caye Daudt, R., Heisig, H., & Bühler, Y. (2024). Automated snow avalanche mapping with deep learning in aerial imagery from the extreme avalanche winter of 1999. In K. Gisnås, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. Müller (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 1264-1271). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. - Hafner, E. D., Techel, F., Heisig, H., Dal, J. F., & Bühler, Y. (2024). Remotely sensed avalanche activity during three extreme avalanche periods in Switzerland. In K. Gisnås, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. Müller (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 1222-1229). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute.
    **for English see below** ******************************************************************************* <br/> </br> ### Datenbeschrieb <br/> </br> Dieser Datensatz enthält die **Umrisse der 11'120 Lawinen** die aus schwarzweiss Luftbildern, welche zwischen dem 25.2.1999 und dem 1.3.1999 aufgenommen wurden, kartiert wurden. Die Lawinenumrisse haben verschiedene Attribute welche im **beigelegten Beispielschlüssel** beschrieben sind (Beispielschluessel_1999_d.pdf). Es gibt drei Shapefiles: * **avalanches1999_endversion1.shp**: die kartierten Lawinen (für Attribute siehe Beispielschlüssel!) * **area_images_1999.shp**: Fläche die durch die Luftbilder abgedeckt wurde * **clouds_1999.shp**: grobe Umrisse der Wolken in den Bildern ### Bildverfügbarkeit: Die entzerrten Luftbilder können von der [Swisstopo]( einzeln über den Downloadlink heruntergeladen werden (herzlichen Dank an Holger Heisig für die Prozessierung und ans BAFU für die Finanzierung der Prozessierung!!). Über "Erweiterte Werkzeuge"/ "Datei importieren" können die Bilder nach hereinziehen des Orthofotolinks direkt im angezeigt werden. ### Weiterführende Litertaur: Details zu den Luftbildern und zur Kartierung, sowie eine kleine Analyse und Empfehlungen zur Verwendung der Daten finden sich unter - **FAN Publikation** (Info folgt) - Dal, F. J., Hafner, E. D., Peters, T., Narnhofer, D., Caye Daudt, R., Heisig, H., & Bühler, Y. (2024). Automated snow avalanche mapping with deep learning in aerial imagery from the extreme avalanche winter of 1999. In K. Gisnås, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. Müller (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 1264-1271). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. - Hafner, E. D., Techel, F., Heisig, H., Dal, J. F., & Bühler, Y. (2024). Remotely sensed avalanche activity during three extreme avalanche periods in Switzerland. In K. Gisnås, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. Müller (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 1222-1229). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. ******************************************************************************* <br/> </br> ### Data description <br/> </br> This dataset contains the **outlines of 11'120 avalanches** mapped from panchromatic aerial imagery taken between February 25, 1999 and March 1, 1999. The avalanche outlines have various attributes which are described in the **attached example key** (ExampleKey_AvalMapping_1999_e.pdf). There are three shapefiles: * **avalanches1999_endversion1.shp**: the mapped avalanches (for attributes see example key!) **area_images_1999.shp**: Area covered by the aerial images **clouds_1999.shp**: rough outlines of the clouds in the images ### Image availability: The rectified aerial images can be downloaded individually from [Swisstopo]( via the download link (many thanks to Holger Heisig for processing and to BAFU for financing the processing!!). The images can be displayed directly in via “Advanced tools”/“Import file” after dragging in the orthophoto link. ### Further Reading: Details on the aerial images and mapping, as well as a brief analysis and tips on using the data can be found at - **FAN Publication** (info to follow) - Dal, F. J., Hafner, E. D., Peters, T., Narnhofer, D., Caye Daudt, R., Heisig, H., & Bühler, Y. (2024). Automated snow avalanche mapping with deep learning in aerial imagery from the extreme avalanche winter of 1999. In K. Gisnås, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. Müller (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 1264-1271). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. - Hafner, E. D., Techel, F., Heisig, H., Dal, J. F., & Bühler, Y. (2024). Remotely sensed avalanche activity during three extreme avalanche periods in Switzerland. In K. Gisnås, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. Müller (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 1222-1229). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute.

  • Changed the version of Avalanche outlines February and March 1999 from aerial imagery to 1.0

  • Changed value of field date to [{"date": "2023-06-01", "date_type": "created", "end_date": "2025-01-15"}, {"date": "1999-02-25", "date_type": "collected", "end_date": "1999-03-01"}] in Avalanche outlines February and March 1999 from aerial imagery

  • Changed value of field related_datasets to * [avalanches January 2018 mapped from SPOT6/7 satellite imagery]( * [avalanches January 2019 mapped from SPOT6/7 satellite imagery]( in Avalanche outlines February and March 1999 from aerial imagery

  • Changed value of field funding to [{"grant_number": "", "institution": "Swisstopo", "institution_url": ""}] in Avalanche outlines February and March 1999 from aerial imagery

  • Changed value of field publication to {"publication_year": "2025", "publisher": "EnviDat"} in Avalanche outlines February and March 1999 from aerial imagery