f | { | f | { |
| "author": "[{\"affiliation\": \"WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche | | "author": "[{\"affiliation\": \"WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche |
| Research SLF\", \"affiliation_02\": \"\", \"affiliation_03\": \"\", | | Research SLF\", \"affiliation_02\": \"\", \"affiliation_03\": \"\", |
| \"email\": \"data@slf.ch\", \"given_name\": \"\", \"identifier\": | | \"email\": \"data@slf.ch\", \"given_name\": \"\", \"identifier\": |
| \"\", \"name\": \"WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research | | \"\", \"name\": \"WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research |
| SLF\"}]", | | SLF\"}]", |
| "author_email": null, | | "author_email": null, |
| "creator_user_id": "334cee1e-6afa-4639-88a2-f980e6ff42c3", | | "creator_user_id": "334cee1e-6afa-4639-88a2-f980e6ff42c3", |
n | "date": | n | "date": "[{\"date\": \"1970-05-10\", \"date_type\": \"collected\", |
| ate_type\":\"collected\",\"date\":\"\",\"end_date\":\"2025-02-10\"}]", | | \"end_date\": \"\"}]", |
| "doi": "10.16904/envidat.411", | | "doi": "10.16904/envidat.411", |
| "extras": [ | | "extras": [ |
| { | | { |
| "key": "deprecatedResources", | | "key": "deprecatedResources", |
| "value": "[\"4bd38bab-26e0-485e-be94-486551e94072\"]" | | "value": "[\"4bd38bab-26e0-485e-be94-486551e94072\"]" |
| } | | } |
| ], | | ], |
| "funding": "[{\"grant_number\": \"\", \"institution\": \"WSL\", | | "funding": "[{\"grant_number\": \"\", \"institution\": \"WSL\", |
| \"institution_url\": \"\"}]", | | \"institution_url\": \"\"}]", |
| "groups": [], | | "groups": [], |
| "id": "aa035efb-630a-4b7f-a406-f7a579a74de9", | | "id": "aa035efb-630a-4b7f-a406-f7a579a74de9", |
| "isopen": false, | | "isopen": false, |
| "language": "en", | | "language": "en", |
| "license_id": "other-undefined", | | "license_id": "other-undefined", |
| "license_title": "Other (Specified in the description)", | | "license_title": "Other (Specified in the description)", |
| "maintainer": "{\"affiliation\": \"\", \"email\": \"data@slf.ch\", | | "maintainer": "{\"affiliation\": \"\", \"email\": \"data@slf.ch\", |
| \"given_name\": \"\", \"identifier\": \"\", \"name\": \"Avalanche | | \"given_name\": \"\", \"identifier\": \"\", \"name\": \"Avalanche |
| Warning Service SLF \"}", | | Warning Service SLF \"}", |
| "maintainer_email": null, | | "maintainer_email": null, |
| "metadata_created": "2023-06-09T13:50:26.260711", | | "metadata_created": "2023-06-09T13:50:26.260711", |
n | "metadata_modified": "2025-02-26T13:57:18.251351", | n | "metadata_modified": "2025-02-26T14:00:33.792259", |
| "name": "avalanche-accidents-in-switzerland-since-1970-71", | | "name": "avalanche-accidents-in-switzerland-since-1970-71", |
| "notes": "**When using this data, please consider and adhere to the | | "notes": "**When using this data, please consider and adhere to the |
| associated [Terms of | | associated [Terms of |
n | and-products/data-and-monitoring/slf-data-service.html)**.\n\nConsider | n | products/data-and-monitoring/slf-data-service.html)**.\r\n\r\nConsider |
| the newest version with the highest version number.\n\nThis data | | the newest version with the highest version number.\r\n\r\nThis data |
| collection contains information concerning all known accidents by snow | | collection contains information concerning all known accidents by snow |
| avalanches in Switzerland with at least one person involved (caught). | | avalanches in Switzerland with at least one person involved (caught). |
| The data set commences on 01/10/1970. After the completion of a | | The data set commences on 01/10/1970. After the completion of a |
n | hydrological year, the new data is added.\n\nThe following information | n | hydrological year, the new data is added.\r\n\r\nThe following |
| is provided:\n\n * avalanche identifier \n * date of the accident | | information is provided:\r\n\r\n * avalanche identifier \r\n * date |
| \n * accuracy of the date in range of days before and after \n * | | of the accident \r\n * accuracy of the date in range of days before |
| canton \n * municipality \n * start zone point latitude\n * start | | and after \r\n * canton \r\n * municipality \r\n * start zone point |
| zone point longitude\n * start zone point accuracy (in meters)\n * | | latitude\r\n * start zone point longitude\r\n * start zone point |
| start zone point elevation (in meteres above sea level) \n * slope | | accuracy (in meters)\r\n * start zone point elevation (in meteres |
| aspect (main orientation of start zone) \n * slope inclination (in | | above sea level) \r\n * slope aspect (main orientation of start zone) |
| degree, steepest point within start zone) \n * forecasted avalanche | | \r\n * slope inclination (in degree, steepest point within start zone) |
| danger level 1 (first danger) \n * forecasted avalanche danger level | | \r\n * forecasted avalanche danger level 1 (first danger) \r\n * |
| 2 (second danger)\n * accident within the core zone (most dangerous | | forecasted avalanche danger level 2 (second danger)\r\n * accident |
| aspect and elevation as mentioned in the forecast) \n * number of dead | | within the core zone (most dangerous aspect and elevation as mentioned |
| persons \n * number of caught persons \n * number of fully buried | | in the forecast) \r\n * number of dead persons \r\n * number of |
| | | caught persons \r\n * number of fully buried persons \r\n * |
| persons \n * activity/location of the accident party at the time of | | activity/location of the accident party at the time of the incident |
| the incident ", | | ", |
| "num_resources": 1, | | "num_resources": 1, |
| "num_tags": 5, | | "num_tags": 5, |
| "organization": { | | "organization": { |
| "approval_status": "approved", | | "approval_status": "approved", |
| "created": "2016-05-24T16:15:21.861195", | | "created": "2016-05-24T16:15:21.861195", |
| "description": "This research unit investigates the formation and | | "description": "This research unit investigates the formation and |
| dynamics of avalanches in order to improve the forecasting of when and | | dynamics of avalanches in order to improve the forecasting of when and |
| where avalanche events are likely to occur and their effects. It | | where avalanche events are likely to occur and their effects. It |
| engages in process modelling based on laboratory experiments and field | | engages in process modelling based on laboratory experiments and field |
| investigations.\r\n\r\nOn behalf of the government, it also operates | | investigations.\r\n\r\nOn behalf of the government, it also operates |
| the Swiss avalanche warning service. The avalanche bulletin provides | | the Swiss avalanche warning service. The avalanche bulletin provides |
| information concerning the current avalanche situation and warns the | | information concerning the current avalanche situation and warns the |
| public about the avalanche danger. The data underlying the service is | | public about the avalanche danger. The data underlying the service is |
| delivered by an extensive network of observers and automatic measuring | | delivered by an extensive network of observers and automatic measuring |
| stations. The avalanches and prevention unit develops warning and | | stations. The avalanches and prevention unit develops warning and |
| information systems for public authorities and local emergency | | information systems for public authorities and local emergency |
| services.\r\n\r\nAmong other key duties, the unit provides advice on | | services.\r\n\r\nAmong other key duties, the unit provides advice on |
| practical aspects of avalanche protection, and develops methods for | | practical aspects of avalanche protection, and develops methods for |
| the risk-based management of natural hazards. The latest research and | | the risk-based management of natural hazards. The latest research and |
| development findings are continuously being translated into practice | | development findings are continuously being translated into practice |
| and used in the unit's intensive teaching and training | | and used in the unit's intensive teaching and training |
| activities.\r\n\r\nIt works closely together with other SLF research | | activities.\r\n\r\nIt works closely together with other SLF research |
| units and partners in Switzerland and abroad. These include national | | units and partners in Switzerland and abroad. These include national |
| and international research establishments, cantonal and federal | | and international research establishments, cantonal and federal |
| authorities, as well as industry, associations, and agencies | | authorities, as well as industry, associations, and agencies |
| responsible for public safety and tourism.", | | responsible for public safety and tourism.", |
| "id": "a17b145f-2191-4c21-aabf-55661d5cb140", | | "id": "a17b145f-2191-4c21-aabf-55661d5cb140", |
| "image_url": "2016-05-24-141521.837240logoslf.png", | | "image_url": "2016-05-24-141521.837240logoslf.png", |
| "is_organization": true, | | "is_organization": true, |
| "name": "slf-snow-avalanches-and-prevention", | | "name": "slf-snow-avalanches-and-prevention", |
| "state": "active", | | "state": "active", |
| "title": "Snow Avalanches and Prevention", | | "title": "Snow Avalanches and Prevention", |
| "type": "organization" | | "type": "organization" |
| }, | | }, |
| "owner_org": "a17b145f-2191-4c21-aabf-55661d5cb140", | | "owner_org": "a17b145f-2191-4c21-aabf-55661d5cb140", |
| "private": false, | | "private": false, |
| "publication": "{\"publication_year\": \"2023\", \"publisher\": | | "publication": "{\"publication_year\": \"2023\", \"publisher\": |
| \"EnviDat\"}", | | \"EnviDat\"}", |
| "publication_state": "published", | | "publication_state": "published", |
| "related_datasets": | | "related_datasets": |
| at.ch/dataset/fatal-avalanche-accidents-in-switzerland-since-1936-37", | | at.ch/dataset/fatal-avalanche-accidents-in-switzerland-since-1936-37", |
| "related_publications": "", | | "related_publications": "", |
| "relationships_as_object": [], | | "relationships_as_object": [], |
| "relationships_as_subject": [], | | "relationships_as_subject": [], |
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| }, | | }, |
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| ], | | ], |
| "title": "Avalanche accidents in Switzerland since 1970/71", | | "title": "Avalanche accidents in Switzerland since 1970/71", |
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| "url": null, | | "url": null, |
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