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| \"Climate Change, Extremes, and Natural Hazards in Alpine Regions | | |
| Research Center CERC, Davos Dorf, 7260, Switzerland\", | | |
| \"affiliation_03\": \"Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, ETH | | |
| Zurich, Zurich, 8092, Switzerland\", \"data_credit\": [\"collection\", | | |
| \"validation\", \"curation\", \"software\", \"publication\", | | \"validation\", \"curation\", \"software\", \"publication\", |
n | \"supervision\"], \"email\": \"pia.ruttner@slf.ch\", \"given_name\": | n | |
| \"Pia\", \"identifier\": \"0000-0002-6503-3730\", \"name\": | | \"supervision\"], \"identifier\": \"0000-0002-6503-3730\", |
| | | \"affiliation\": \"WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, |
| | | Davos Dorf, 7260, Switzerland\"}, {\"given_name\": \"Annelies\", |
| | | \"name\": \"Voordendag\", \"email\": \"avoordendag@ethz.ch\", |
| | | \"data_credit\": [\"publication\", \"supervision\"], \"identifier\": |
| \"Ruttner\"}, {\"affiliation\": \"Institute of Geodesy and | | \"0000-0003-0251-5991\", \"affiliation\": \"Institute of Geodesy and |
| Photogrammetry, ETH Zurich, Zurich, 8092, Switzerland\", | | Photogrammetry, ETH Zurich, Zurich, 8092, Switzerland\"}, |
| \"affiliation_02\": \"\", \"affiliation_03\": \"\", \"email\": | | {\"given_name\": \"Thierry\", \"name\": \"Hartmann\", \"email\": |
| \"avoordendag@ethz.ch\", \"given_name\": \"Annelies\", \"identifier\": | | \"thierry.hartmann@slf.ch\", \"data_credit\": [\"collection\"], |
| \"0000-0003-0251-5991\", \"name\": \"Voordendag\"}, {\"affiliation\": | | |
| \"WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, Davos Dorf, 7260, | | |
| Switzerland\", \"affiliation_02\": \"\", \"affiliation_03\": \"\", | | |
| \"data_credit\": \"collection\", \"email\": | | |
| \"thierry.hartmann@slf.ch\", \"given_name\": \"Thierry\", | | |
| \"identifier\": \"\", \"name\": \"Hartmann\"}, {\"affiliation\": \"WSL | | |
| Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, Davos Dorf, 7260, | | |
| Switzerland\", \"affiliation_02\": \"Climate Change, Extremes, and | | |
| Natural Hazards in Alpine Regions Research Center CERC, Davos Dorf, | | |
| 7260, Switzerland\", \"affiliation_03\": \"Institute for Geotechnical | | |
| Engineering, ETH Zurich, Zurich, 8092, Switzerland\", \"data_credit\": | | |
| \"collection\", \"email\": \"julia.glaus@slf.ch\", \"given_name\": | | |
| \"Julia\", \"identifier\": \"\", \"name\": \"Glaus\"}, | | |
| {\"affiliation\": \"Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, ETH | | |
| Zurich, Zurich, 8092, Switzerland\", \"affiliation_02\": \"\", | | |
| \"affiliation_03\": \"\", \"data_credit\": [\"publication\", | | |
| \"supervision\"], \"email\": \"andreas.wieser@geod.baug.ethz.ch\", | | |
| \"given_name\": \"Andreas\", \"identifier\": \"0000-0001-5804-2164\", | | |
| \"name\": \"Wieser\"}, {\"affiliation\": \"WSL Institute for Snow and | | \"identifier\": \"\", \"affiliation\": \"WSL Institute for Snow and |
| Avalanche Research SLF, Davos Dorf, 7260, Switzerland\", | | Avalanche Research SLF, Davos Dorf, 7260, Switzerland\"}, |
| \"affiliation_02\": \"Climate Change, Extremes, and Natural Hazards in | | {\"given_name\": \"Julia\", \"name\": \"Glaus\", \"email\": |
| | | \"julia.glaus@slf.ch\", \"data_credit\": [\"collection\"], |
| | | \"identifier\": \"\", \"affiliation\": \"WSL Institute for Snow and |
| Alpine Regions Research Center CERC, Davos Dorf, 7260, Switzerland\", | | Avalanche Research SLF, Davos Dorf, 7260, Switzerland\"}, |
| \"affiliation_03\": \"\", \"data_credit\": [\"publication\", | | {\"given_name\": \"Andreas\", \"name\": \"Wieser\", \"email\": |
| \"supervision\"], \"email\": \"buehler@slf.ch\", \"given_name\": | | \"andreas.wieser@geod.baug.ethz.ch\", \"data_credit\": |
| | | [\"publication\", \"supervision\"], \"identifier\": |
| | | \"0000-0001-5804-2164\", \"affiliation\": \"Institute of Geodesy and |
| | | Photogrammetry, ETH Zurich, Zurich, 8092, Switzerland\"}, |
| | | {\"given_name\": \"Yves\", \"name\": \"B\\u00fchler\", \"email\": |
| | | \"buehler@slf.ch\", \"data_credit\": [\"publication\", |
| \"Yves\", \"identifier\": \"0000-0002-0815-2717\", \"name\": | | \"supervision\"], \"identifier\": \"0000-0002-0815-2717\", |
| \"B\\u00fchler\"}]", | | \"affiliation\": \"WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, |
| | | Davos Dorf, 7260, Switzerland\"}]", |
| "author_email": null, | | "author_email": null, |
| "creator_user_id": "5f278ac1-7d7c-42be-a741-e89031b8dae1", | | "creator_user_id": "5f278ac1-7d7c-42be-a741-e89031b8dae1", |
| "date": "[{\"date\": \"2023-11-23\", \"date_type\": \"collected\", | | "date": "[{\"date\": \"2023-11-23\", \"date_type\": \"collected\", |
| \"end_date\": \"2024-04-14\"}]", | | \"end_date\": \"2024-04-14\"}]", |
| "doi": "10.16904/envidat.581", | | "doi": "10.16904/envidat.581", |
| "funding": "[{\"grant_number\":\"207519\",\"institution\":\"Swiss | | "funding": "[{\"grant_number\":\"207519\",\"institution\":\"Swiss |
| National Science | | National Science |
| \",\"institution_url\":\"https://data.snf.ch/grants/grant/207519\"}]", | | \",\"institution_url\":\"https://data.snf.ch/grants/grant/207519\"}]", |
| "groups": [], | | "groups": [], |
| "id": "0b960b89-14e7-4113-beef-03dfe0eb48d6", | | "id": "0b960b89-14e7-4113-beef-03dfe0eb48d6", |
| "isopen": true, | | "isopen": true, |
| "language": "en", | | "language": "en", |
| "license_id": "cc-by-sa", | | "license_id": "cc-by-sa", |
| "license_title": "Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike | | "license_title": "Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike |
| (CC-BY-SA)", | | (CC-BY-SA)", |
| "license_url": "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/", | | "license_url": "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/", |
| "maintainer": "{\"affiliation\": \"WSL Institute for Snow and | | "maintainer": "{\"affiliation\": \"WSL Institute for Snow and |
| Avalanche Research SLF, Davos Dorf, 7260, Switzerland\", \"email\": | | Avalanche Research SLF, Davos Dorf, 7260, Switzerland\", \"email\": |
| \"pia.ruttner@slf.ch\", \"given_name\": \"Pia\", \"identifier\": | | \"pia.ruttner@slf.ch\", \"given_name\": \"Pia\", \"identifier\": |
| \"0000-0002-6503-3730\", \"name\": \"Ruttner\"}", | | \"0000-0002-6503-3730\", \"name\": \"Ruttner\"}", |
| "maintainer_email": null, | | "maintainer_email": null, |
| "metadata_created": "2025-01-28T16:02:18.175152", | | "metadata_created": "2025-01-28T16:02:18.175152", |
n | "metadata_modified": "2025-01-30T15:08:21.905904", | n | "metadata_modified": "2025-03-04T07:28:57.119032", |
| "name": "snow-depth-mapping-by-lidar-station-braemabuel", | | "name": "snow-depth-mapping-by-lidar-station-braemabuel", |
n | "notes": "We developed a monitoring system using low-cost lidar and | n | "notes": "We developed a monitoring system using low-cost lidar |
| optical sensors, to measure snow depth variations in an avalanche | | (Livox Avia) and optical sensors, to measure snow depth variations in |
| release area at a high spatiotemporal scale (centimeter to low | | an avalanche release area at a high spatiotemporal scale (centimeter |
| decimeter spatial resolution and hourly temporal resolution). We | | to low decimeter spatial resolution and hourly temporal resolution). A |
| analyze data obtained from such a monitoring system, installed within | | detailed description of the setup and a first data analysis is |
| an avalanche release area at 2200 m a.s.l. close to Davos in the Swiss | | published in: \n\n[Ruttner-Jansen, P., Voordendag, A., Hartmann, T., |
| Alps. The system comprises two measurement stations and has been | | Glaus, J., Wieser, A., & B\u00fchler, Y. (2024). Monitoring snow depth |
| operational since November 2023.", | | variations in an avalanche release area using low cost lidar and |
| | | optical sensors. EGUsphere, 2024, |
| | | //egusphere.copernicus.org/preprints/2024/egusphere-2024-744/)\n\nThis |
| | | dataset contains hourly 3D lidar data of the snow surface at the test |
| | | site Braemabuel in Davos, Switzerland from the winter season 2023-2024 |
| | | (23.11.2023 - 14.04.2024). Braema1 is installed at 2191 m a.s.l. in |
| | | the slope, looking up into the avalache release area, and Braema2 is |
| | | installed at 2255 m a.s.l at the ridge, looking down. Both scans |
| | | together cover an area of about 15000 m\u00b2.\n\nThe data is in |
| | | format \".las\" and contains the points in XYZ [m], in the scanner own |
| | | coordinate system\n- scalar fields: intensity, return number, |
| | | timestamp, tag, label\n-- tag: binary code from Livox (see [Livox Avia |
| | | 50ba1131/Download/Avia/Livox%20Avia%20User%20Manual%20202204.pdf))\n-- |
| | | label: marking outliers (filtered by distance and SOR to get snow |
| | | particles in the air)", |
| "num_resources": 1, | | "num_resources": 2, |
| "num_tags": 6, | | "num_tags": 6, |
| "organization": { | | "organization": { |
| "approval_status": "approved", | | "approval_status": "approved", |
| "created": "2021-10-27T11:11:19.402891", | | "created": "2021-10-27T11:11:19.402891", |
| "description": "\"__Cutting edge remote sensing research and | | "description": "\"__Cutting edge remote sensing research and |
| technology for alpine regions__ - We strive to develop, test, combine | | technology for alpine regions__ - We strive to develop, test, combine |
| and apply innovative solutions to detect, monitor and forecast natural | | and apply innovative solutions to detect, monitor and forecast natural |
| hazards, aiming at safe mountains in a changing climate.\"\r\nClimate | | hazards, aiming at safe mountains in a changing climate.\"\r\nClimate |
| change is having an increasing impact on the Alpine region and the | | change is having an increasing impact on the Alpine region and the |
| potential for natural hazard processes in the high mountains is | | potential for natural hazard processes in the high mountains is |
| rising. However, it is impossible to predict where extreme events will | | rising. However, it is impossible to predict where extreme events will |
| occur, and complete protection of settlements and transport routes is | | occur, and complete protection of settlements and transport routes is |
| technically and economically impossible.\r\n\r\nRemote sensing systems | | technically and economically impossible.\r\n\r\nRemote sensing systems |
| on the ground, on drones, aircraft or satellites are increasingly | | on the ground, on drones, aircraft or satellites are increasingly |
| becoming an important tool in natural hazard research. They can be | | becoming an important tool in natural hazard research. They can be |
| used to accurately document events, continuously record changes, and | | used to accurately document events, continuously record changes, and |
| identify potential \"hotspots\" at an early stage. The combination of | | identify potential \"hotspots\" at an early stage. The combination of |
| optical and radar remote sensing systems has great potential to | | optical and radar remote sensing systems has great potential to |
| increase the level of safety. The center is researching how such | | increase the level of safety. The center is researching how such |
| systems can be optimally used in the future in high alpine terrain for | | systems can be optimally used in the future in high alpine terrain for |
| the documentation, detection and prevention of natural | | the documentation, detection and prevention of natural |
| hazards.\r\n\r\nAlpine remote sensing is one of the main topics of the | | hazards.\r\n\r\nAlpine remote sensing is one of the main topics of the |
| CERC research centre.", | | CERC research centre.", |
| "id": "10cde33b-8da7-448a-b627-93e43d326154", | | "id": "10cde33b-8da7-448a-b627-93e43d326154", |
| "image_url": | | "image_url": |
| s://www.envidat.ch/uploads/group/2016-05-24-141521.837240logoslf.png", | | s://www.envidat.ch/uploads/group/2016-05-24-141521.837240logoslf.png", |
| "is_organization": true, | | "is_organization": true, |
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| "state": "active", | | "state": "active", |
| "title": "Alpine Remote Sensing", | | "title": "Alpine Remote Sensing", |
| "type": "organization" | | "type": "organization" |
| }, | | }, |
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| "publication": "{\"publication_year\": \"2025\", \"publisher\": | | "publication": "{\"publication_year\": \"2025\", \"publisher\": |
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