Meteorological data used to develop and validate the bias-detecting ensemble ...
These data were used to drive and evaluate Jules Investigation Model (JIM) snow simulations. The data provided are the forcing data used for the "deterministic" runs as... -
Wintertime UAV-based land surface albedo data over forested environments
This data-set contains Land Surface Albedo (LSA) data obtained via a UAV sytem with up and downlooking shortwave radiation sensors, as described in the JGR-Atmospheres paper... -
FSM2trans snowpack simulations with HICAR input
DESCRIPTION The dataset is used to run snowpack simulations with various forcing data at different resolutions with the Flexible Snow Model (FSM2oshd). A dynamical downscaling... -
Gaudergrat Wind LiDAR Data Campaign
This repository corresponds to the data presented in the publication (DOI to come following pre-print) which is not otherwise publicly available: Radial Velocity data from a... -
A high-resolution snow and hydrometeorological dataset for the Dischma region...
This repository contains data from the alpine Dischma watershed and its surroundings in eastern Switzerland and includes: (a) hourly hydrometeorological data with 100m spatial... -
Dataset on new snow water equivalent
This dataset includes quality-controlled measurements of new snow depth (HN), new snow water equivalent (HNW), snow depth (HS), and snow water equivalent (SWE) from 41 stations... -
Distributed sub-canopy datasets from mobile multi-sensor platforms (CH / FIN,...
This dataset contains datasets of sub-canopy meteorological variables acquired in coniferous forest stands in Switzerland (Davos, Engadine) and Finland (Sodankylä) during the... -
Shading by Trees and Fractional Snow Cover Control the Subcanopy Radiation Bu...
This data set consists of incoming and outgoing short- and longwave radiation as well as sunlit-snow-view-fraction as described in the JGR-Atmospheres paper "Shading by trees... -
Large Eddy Simulation of Near-Surface Boundary Layer Dynamics over Patchy Snow
Data and code for the publication entitled "Large Eddy Simulation of Near-Surface Boundary Layer Flow over Patchy Snow". The dataset contains variables about the simulation... -
FSM2trans code
This dataset includes the FORTRAN code of the FSM2trans model version used in the paper: Quéno et al., Snow redistribution in an intermediate-complexity snow hydrology modelling... -
Multi-resolution CLM5 simulations across Switzerland
This dataset contains Community Land Model 5 (CLM5) simulation output over the spatial extent of Switzerland at different resolutions and based on a range of input datasets. It... -
Preferential Deposition Processes Animations
Supplementary animations for the publication (DOI to follow with pre-print) showing preferential deposition as modeled by the HICAR model. Complete descriptions of the... -
Turbulence in The Strongly Heterogeneous Near-Surface Boundary Layer over Pat...
This dataset contains the raw data that is analyzed in the publication entitled "Turbulence in The Strongly Heterogeneous Near-Surface Boundary Layer over Patchy Snow". Please... -
Climatological snow data since 1998, OSHD
This dataset comprises the climatology on gridded data of snow water equivalent and snow melt runoff spanning 1998-2022, with a spatial resolution of 1 km and daily temporal... -
Seasonal snow data for Switzerland OSHD - FSM2sohd
This dataset includes gridded data on snow depth (m), snow water equivalent (mm), runoff from snow melt (mm) and snow cover fraction for Swtzerland. The data is spanning the... -
Quantifying Surface Heat Exchange over Heterogeneous Land Surfaces at Ultra-H...
The lateral transport of heat above abrupt (sub-)metre-scale steps in land surface temperature influences the local surface energy balance. We present a novel experimental... -
Multiple realizations of daily snow water equivalent, surface water input and...
The dataset contains for three variables (snow water equivalent, surface water input and liquid precipitation) 50 realizations of current and future climate periods for two time... -
Snow depth, canopy structure and meterorological datasets from the Davos area...
This dataset contains all snow, canopy and meteorological data presented and used in the publication: Mazzotti, G., Essery, R., Moeser, D. & Jonas T. (2020) 'Resolving... -
ALS-based snow depth and canopy height maps from flights in 2017 (Grisons, CH...
This dataset includes snow depth, canopy height and terrain elevation maps of forest stands in the Grisons (CH) and at Grand Mesa (CO,USA) derived from airborne lidar. Data were... -
Forest canopy structure data for radiation and snow modelling (CH/FIN)
This dataset contains forest canopy structure data acquired in a spruce forest at Laret, Switzerland, and a pine forest at Sodankylä, Finland. Data include: Hemispherical...