Large wood event database
In the context of the WoodFlow project (https://woodflow.wsl.ch), an extensive database was developed which documents recruited and transported quantities of large wood (woody... -
Sediment transport observations in Swiss mountain streams
The Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL has extensive experience with surrogate bedload transport measurements. The first measuring site was established in the Erlenbach... -
Volumetric Water Content Measurements at Illgraben 2022
This dataset contains volumetric water content measurements, water level, and pressure for a location along the Illgraben debris-flow channel (46°18'34.92"N, 7°37'59.26"E). The... -
CH-Kleinstwasserkraftwerke - ein schweizweiter Datensatz zu Kleinstwasserkraf...
In der Schweiz werden Wasserkraftanlagen (WKA) mit einer Leistung von mehr als 300 kW systematisch erfasst und in der nationalen Wasserkraftstatistik (WASTA) zusammengetragen.... -
Distributed Acoustic Sensing Brienz
This dataset contains the Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS), radar detection data used for training and result analysis in the GRL paper titled Automatic Monitoring of... -
Short-term Drainage Density Dynamics Dataset for the Haute-Mentue Catchment
The dataset contains time series of water levels, precipitation measured in the two sub-catchments of the Haute-Mentue catchment and its vicinity during summer and autumn 2022,... -
Hydrochemical Data Collected during Spring-Fall 2021 in the Erlenbach Catchment
The dataset contains hydrochemical data collected from spring to fall 2021 in the Erlenbach catchment, Switzerland. This hydrochemical data includes solute concentrations and... -
Hydrochemical Data Collected during Spring-Fall 2022 in the Haute-Mentue Catc...
The dataset contains hydrochemical data collected from spring to fall 2022 in the Haute-Mentue catchment, Switzerland. This hydrochemical data includes solute concentrations and... -
Three-dimensional debris flow simulation tool debrisInterMixing
Here debrisInterMixing until version 7 is provided for download. Further versions as well as installation instructions and tutorials and discussion forums (mostly in german) can... -
Data set of: Plant and root-zone water isotopes are difficult to measure, exp...
The following two tables contain information about the data sources of the values reported in Table 1 and 2 in the paper “Plant and root-zone water isotopes are difficult to... -
Number of natural hazard fatalities per year in Switzerland since 1946
This dataset contains the number of fatalities due to flood, debris flow, landslide, rockfall, windstorm, lightning, ice avalanche, earthquake and other processes like roof... -
Rockfall gallery testing Parde 2016
Five full-scale field tests were conducted with concrete blocks weighting between 800 and 3200 kg being dropped onto the roof of a gallery structure made from reinforced... -
Repetitive trajectory testing in Tschamut 2014
In summer 2014, 6 rock blocks between 20 and 80kg have been thrown in total 111 times down a slope at the Swiss Oberalppass close to the village Tschamut. The slope was mainly... -
UAV-derived Digital Surface Models and orthoimages for three alpine glaciers
UAV-derived DSMs and orthoimages Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) surveys were conducted between 2015 and 2016 on the Sankt Annafirn, Findelen- and Griesgletscher, situated in the... -
More than one century of hydrological monitoring in two small catchments with...
Long-term data on precipitation and runoff are essential to draw firm conclusions about the behavior and trends of hydrological catchments that may be influenced by land-use and... -
Short-term Drainage Density Dynamics Dataset for the Erlenbach Catchment
The dataset contains time series of water levels, precipitation measured in the two sub-catchments of the Erlenbach catchment and its vicinity during summer and autumn 2021, as... -
Longterm hydrological observatory Alptal (central Switzerland)
This data set includes 54 years of hydrometeorological measurements from small (first-order) catchments in the pre-alpine valley Alptal. Here we provide daily mean values;... -
In-situ soil moisture measurements Napf-region
In the context of landslide early warning research, soil moisture (e.g. volumetric soil water content and soil water potential) has been measured at six locations in the... -
Faktenblätter und Leitfaden für Hochwasserschätzmethoden in der Praxis
(English version below) Ziel dieser Faktenblätter ist es Informationen zu den Schätzmethoden, Hinweise zur Parametrisierung und eine grobe Einschätzung der Güte der Resultate in... -
Lake climate change scenarios CH2018
The dataset "Lake_climate_change_scenarios_CH2018" provides simulation-based climate change impact scenarios for perialpine lakes in Switzerland. These transient future...