Radiosondes (Windsond, Sparv Embedded AB) were started in Davos Wolfgang (LON: 9.853594, LAT: 46.835577) to report height profiles of pressure, relative humidity and temperature... -
Snow Drift Station - 3D Ultrasonic
A Young 81000 sonic anemomenter was deployed at Gotschnagrat (LON: 46.859 LAT: 9.849) to record three components of the wind velocity (u, v, w in [m s‾ ¹]) and air... -
Weather Station Davos Wolfgang
The dataset contains weather parameters measured at Davos Wolfgang (LON: 9.853594, LAT: 46.835577). -
Weather Station Klosters
A weather station (Lufft WS600) measured meteorological parameters at Klosters (LON: 9.880413, LAT: 46.869019). Detailed information on the specifications can be found here. -
Present Weather Sensor Klosters
A present weather sensor (Vaisala PWD22) was deployed in Klosters (LON: 9.880413, LAT: 46.869019) for weather observation, combining the functions of a forwardscatter... -
Ceilometer Klosters
Cloud base height (m) and vertical visibility (m) were measured with the VAISALA Ceilometer CL31 in Klosters (LON: 9.880413, LAT: 46.869019). The CL31 is an instrument with...