This file contains the snowBedFoam simulations carried out to produce the results presented in: article not published yet.
1. /simulations
Groups all simulations folders organised by parameter (azimuth, groupsize, height, interspace) and by type of experiment (single_ref, group_ref).
2. /simulations/[parameter]/
For each parameter multiple simulations were carried out. Each simulation folder follows the same naming systematic:
- n: number of Helioplant units
- h: height-above-surface
- sp: regular distance between the units
- ARL: additional refinement level
- BL: boundary layer first cell height
- windDir: wind direction
- stag: staggered arangement (suffix)
Here is an example of a folder content for a specific parameter
- helioplant_n9_h07_sp10_ARL45_BL0015_az30_windDir5
: following the naming systematic this folder corresponds to a simulation with 9 aligned Helioplant units with 0.7m of height-above-surface, an inter-unit distance of 10m an azimuth of 30° and a wind direction of 5°.
3. /simulations/[parameter]/[helioplant_n#_h#_ARL#_BL#_az#_windDir#]
Each simulation folder contains multiple sub-folders (0/, 100/, 300/, constant/ etc.) and files that define the experiment. For each simulation, the files used in the processing scripts are the following: - 0/Cx: contains the x coordinates of sampling grid cells and of the Helioplants structures. - 0/Cy: contains the y coordinates of sampling grid cells and of the Helioplants structures. - 300/kinematicCloud-massCheckPatterns: contains the snow mass distribution values [kg/m2] for each grid cell.
Additional Information
Field | Value |
Metadata last updated | February 20, 2025 |
Data last updated | February 20, 2025 |
Created | February 6, 2025 |
Format | ZIP |
License | Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike (CC-BY-SA) |
DOI | |
Access Restriction | Level: Public |
Publication State | |
Size | 11 GB |