ID: Plot ID composited of Fence & Treatment number (90 plots total)
Grassland: Name of the six subalpine grasslands where the exclosure setups were erected. In large grasslands (GRIM, MING, STAB), we established four hierarchical exclosure setups (two in short- and two in tall-grass vegetation), whereas in the small grasslands (BOTS, DADA, MARG) only one setup was erected per vegetation type. BOTS = Val dal Botsch, GRIM = Grimmels, MING = Val Mingér, STAB = Alp Stabelchod, DADA = Stabelchod da daint, MARG = Margunet
Fence: Number of exclosure setup (1 - 18). Note that uneven numbers (1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17) represent setups established on short-grass vegetation, even numbers (2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18) setups established in tall-grass vegetation Vegetation Vegetation type, 1 = short-grass vegetation, 2 = tall-grass vegetation; (9 replicate fences on each vegetation type) Treatment Progressive animal exclusion, numbers indicate which animals had access to the plot: 1 = Large/medium/small mammals, and invertebrates have access ("L/M/S/I"), 2 = Medium/small mammals, and invertebrates have access (“M/S/I”), 3 = Small mammals and invertebrates have access (“S/I”), 4 = Invertebrates have access (“I”), 5 = No animals have access (“None”)
Bulkden: Fine fraction soil bulk density (g cm-3)
Soil.moist : Soil moisture (%) Rhizosphere soil C content (%)
pH: Soil pH
Nema.PC1: First principal component (PC1) of principal component analysis (PCA) of the soil nematode community composition
Nema.PC2: Second principal component (PC2) of principal component analysis (PCA) of the soil nematode community composition
Micro.PC1: First principal component (PC1) of principal component analysis (PCA) of the soil microbial community composition
Micro.PC2: Second principal component (PC2) of principal component analysis (PCA) of the soil microbial community composition
Abv.Inv.PC1: First principal component (PC1) of principal component analysis (PCA) of the aboveground-dwelling invertebrate community composition
Abv.Inv.PC2: Second principal component (PC2) of principal component analysis (PCA) of the aboveground-dwelling invertebrate community composition
Arthr.PC1: First principal component (PC1) of principal component analysis (PCA) of the soil arthropod community composition
Arthr.PC2: Second principal component (PC2) of principal component analysis (PCA) of the soil arthropod community composition
Plant.PC1: First principal component (PC1) of principal component analysis (PCA) of the plant community composition
Plant.PC2: Second principal component (PC2) of principal component analysis (PCA) of the plant community composition
Root.biomass: Root biomass (g m-2)
Micro.biomass : Microbial biomass carbon (mg kg-1)
Plant.richness: Plant species richness
Plant.N: Plant tissue nitrogen content (%)
Soil.N.min: Soil net nitrogen mineralisation (kg ha-1 season)
Soil.resp: Soil carbon dioxide emissions (soil respiration; g m-2 h-1)
Additional Information
Field | Value |
Metadata last updated | February 13, 2025 |
Data last updated | April 14, 2019 |
Created | June 6, 2018 |
Format | XLSX |
License | ODbL with Database Contents License (DbCL) |
DOI | 10.16904/envidat.44 |
Access Restriction | Level: Public |
Publication State | |
Size | 33.83 KB |