Simulating population divergence of Northern chamois in the Alps based on habitat dynamics

General description

Genomic data, habitat suitability raster files and scripts to run gen3sis to simulate cumulative divergence over time as approximation for genetic differentiation. Scripts for basic analysis of the simulations (e.g., create distance matrix from sampling locations) are provided, too. See original publication (doi link will be provided after publication) for details. The study area are the European Alps. All data is uploaded as zipped file. Unzip them after the download and put all data in one folder. See linked publications for correct citation of the data used, use of the data without correct citation is not allowed.

Corresponding author: Flurin Leugger, email:

Description of the data (content of the different zip folders)

Abiotic data


Folders with raster stacks with glaciated areas at 0.05° resolution in WGS84 projection from Seguinot et al. (2018). Seguinot, J., Ivy-Ochs, S., Jouvet, G., Huss, M., Funk, M., & Preusser, F. (2018). Modelling last glacial cycle ice dynamics in the Alps. The Cryosphere, 12(10), 3265–3285.


Fossil records

  • chamois_fossil_combined_public.xlsx: list with fossil records until 20,000 years BP from Central Europe, see linked references for citation.

Chamois occurrences

  • chamois_occurrence.csv: Chamois presences from all sources used for the publication (see Suppl. mat. Table S1 for detailed information and correct citations of the data) aggregated at 0.05° resolution (~5km).


  • config: folders with all configuration files used to run the simulations for the publication (different dispersal divergence parameters).
  • scripts: scripts (and helper functions) to run the gen3sis simulations including scripts for the beginning of the subsequent analysis.


  • populations.snps.light.vcf: vcf file of the sampled Northern chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) . The genomic data encompasses 20k SNPs (from ddRAD sequencing).
  • Sequencing_final_without_slovakia.txt: sampling locations of Northern chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra)


  • habitat_suitability_hindcasting: Aggregated habitat suitability raster files (stacks, .grd files) at 0.05° resolution and WGS84 projection from 20,000 years BP until today in 100 year time steps. There are separate folders for each environmental variable scenario used (different terrain slope variables) an the different occurrence/pseudo-absence sampling strategy used.
  • ODMAP_LeuggerEtAl__2021-10-25.csv: ODMAP protocol

Funding Information:

This work was supported by:
  • ETH
  • SNCF (Grant/Award: 310030_188550)

Related Publications

  • wsl:27918* Hagen, O., Flück, B., Fopp, F., Cabral, J. S., Hartig, F., Pontarp, M., … Pellissier, L. (2021). gen3sis: a general engine for eco-evolutionary simulations of the processes that shape Earth's biodiversity. PLoS Biology, 19(7), e3001340 (31 pp.).


Leugger, Flurin; Broquet, Thomas; Karger, Dirk Nikolaus; Rioux, Delphine; Buzan, Elena; Corlatti, Luca; Crestanello, Barbara; Curt-Grand-Gaudin, Nadine; Hauffe, Heidi Christine; Rolečková, Barbora; Šprem, Nikica; Tissot, Nathalie; Tissot, Sophie; Valterová, Radka; Yannic, Glenn; Pellissier, Loic (2022). Simulating population divergence of Northern chamois in the Alps based on habitat dynamics. EnviDat. doi:10.16904/envidat.291.

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DOI 10.16904/envidat.291
Publication State Published
  • Email: flurin.leuggerfoo(at) ORCID: 0000-0001-9027-6892 Given Name: Flurin Family Name: Leugger Affiliation: Landscape Ecology, Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems, ETH Zürich, 8049 Zürich, Switzerland Additional Affiliation : Landscape Ecology, Landscape Change Science, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, 8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland DataCRediT: Collection, Software, Publication
  • Email: thomas.broquetfoo(at) Given Name: Thomas Family Name: Broquet Affiliation: CNRS, Sorbonne Université, UMR 7144, Station Biologique de Roscoff DataCRediT: Collection, Validation, Publication
  • Email: dirk.kargerfoo(at) ORCID: 0000-0001-7770-6229 Given Name: Dirk Nikolaus Family Name: Karger Affiliation: WSL DataCRediT: Collection, Publication
  • Email: Delphine.Riouxfoo(at) Given Name: Delphine Family Name: Rioux Affiliation: Université Grenoble Alpes, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS, LECA DataCRediT: Collection, Publication
  • Email: elena.buzanfoo(at) Given Name: Elena Family Name: Buzan Affiliation: University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Information Technologies Additional Affiliation : Environmental Protection College DataCRediT: Collection, Publication
  • Email: luca.corlattifoo(at) Given Name: Luca Family Name: Corlatti Affiliation: Chair of Wildlife Ecology and Management, University of Freiburg Additional Affiliation : Stelvio National Park DataCRediT: Collection, Publication
  • Email: barbara.crestanellofoo(at) Given Name: Barbara Family Name: Crestanello Affiliation: Conservation Genomics Research Unit, Fondazione Edmund Mach DataCRediT: Collection, Publication
  • Email: nadine.curt-grand-gaudinfoo(at) Given Name: Nadine Family Name: Curt-Grand-Gaudin Affiliation: Université Grenoble Alpes, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS, LECA DataCRediT: Collection, Publication
  • Email: heidi.hauffefoo(at) Given Name: Heidi Christine Family Name: Hauffe Affiliation: Conservation Genomics Research Unit, Fondazione Edmund Mach DataCRediT: Collection, Publication
  • Email: roleckovafoo(at) Given Name: Barbora Family Name: Rolečková Affiliation: Institute of Vertebrate Biology of the Czech Academy of Sciences DataCRediT: Collection, Publication
  • Email: nspremfoo(at) Given Name: Nikica Family Name: Šprem Affiliation: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Fisheries, Apiculture, Wildlife Management and Special Zoology DataCRediT: Collection, Publication
  • Email: Nathalie.Tissotfoo(at) Given Name: Nathalie Family Name: Tissot Affiliation: Université Grenoble Alpes, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS, LECA DataCRediT: Collection, Publication
  • Email: sophie.tissotfoo(at) Given Name: Sophie Family Name: Tissot Affiliation: Université Grenoble Alpes, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS, LECA DataCRediT: Collection, Publication
  • Email: radkpolfoo(at) Given Name: Radka Family Name: Valterová Affiliation: Institute of Vertebrate Biology of the Czech Academy of Sciences DataCRediT: Collection, Publication
  • Email: glenn.yannicfoo(at) Given Name: Glenn Family Name: Yannic Affiliation: Université Grenoble Alpes, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS, LECA DataCRediT: Collection, Validation, Publication, Supervision
  • Email: loic.pellissierfoo(at) ORCID: 0000-0002-2289-8259 Given Name: Loic Family Name: Pellissier Affiliation: Landscape Ecology, Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems, ETH Zürich, 8049 Zürich, Switzerland Additional Affiliation : Landscape Ecology, Landscape Change Science, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, 8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland DataCRediT: Collection, Validation, Publication, Supervision
Contact Person Given Name: Flurin Family Name: Leugger Email: flurin.leuggerfoo(at) Affiliation: WSL
Publication Publisher: EnviDat Year: 2022
  • Type: Created Date: 2021-03-02
Version 1.0
Type dataset
General Type Dataset
Language English
Location Switzerland
Content License WSL Data Policy
Last Updated September 27, 2023, 14:07 (UTC)
Created February 10, 2022, 07:32 (UTC)