Since 2001 soil water content and soil water potential are measured in 40 plots of the Intercantonal Forest Observation Program. Soil water content and soil water potential is measured in hourly resolution in 3 depths according to the soil horizons.
The following parameters about soil water balance are measured:
- Volumetric soil water content (SMT-100, Truebner)
- Soil water potential (TEROS21, METER)
More information about the analytical methods and results can be found in Braun et al. (2021).
This work was supported by:
- Cantonal offices for forestry of the cantons AG, BS, BL,GR, SO, TG, ZH
- Cantonal offices for environement of the cantons LU, NW, OW, SZ, UR und ZG
- In collaboration with the Federal Office for Environment (FOEN)