Foliar analyses LWF

Foliage has been sampled every two years since 1995/1997 on 5-6 trees of the main species on all LWF plots. Concentrations of macronutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S), carbon (C) and micronutrients are determined on leaves and current and previous year needles. The dry mass of 100 leaves or 1000 needles is determined as well.


To assess the nutrient status of the forest stands and detect possible deficiencies or imbalances, which are often indicative of processes at the ecosystem level.

Manual Citation:

  • Brang, P., Hug, C., Thimonier, A., Zehnder, U., 1997. Kapitel D1.5 Nährstoffversorgung von Nadeln und Blättern, in: Brang, P. (Ed.), Aufnahmeanleitungen aller Forschungsprojekte auf Flächen der Langfristigen Waldökosystem-Forschung (LWF). Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL, Birmensdorf, pp. 1-12.

  • Rautio P, Fürst A, Stefan K, Raitio H, Bartels U, 2016: Part XII: Sampling and Analysis of Needles and Leaves. In: UNECE ICP Forests Programme Co-ordinating Centre (ed.): Manual on methods and criteria for harmonized sampling, assessment, monitoring and analysis of the effects of air pollution on forests. Thünen Institute of Forest Ecosystems, Eberswalde, Germany, 19 p. + Annex

Paper Citation:

  • Thimonier A, Graf Pannatier E, Schmitt M, Waldner P, Walthert L, Schleppi P, Dobbertin M, Kräuchi N (2010) Does exceeding the critical loads for nitrogen alter nitrate leaching, the nutrient status of trees and their crown condition at Swiss Long-term Forest Ecosystem Research (LWF) sites?. European Journal of Forest Research, 129 (3): 443-461. doi: 10.1007/s10342-009-0328-9

Funding Information:

This work was supported by:
  • WSL


Thimonier, Anne; Schmitt, Maria; Waldner, Peter (2019). Foliar analyses LWF. EnviDat. doi:10.16904/envidat.lwf.18.

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Data and Resources


Field Values
DOI 10.16904/envidat.lwf.18
Publication State Published
  • Email: anne.thimonierfoo(at) Given Name: Anne Family Name: Thimonier Affiliation: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Zuercherstrasse 111, 8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland
  • Email: maria.schmittfoo(at) Given Name: Maria Family Name: Schmitt Affiliation: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Zuercherstrasse 111, 8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland
  • Email: peter.waldnerfoo(at) Given Name: Peter Family Name: Waldner Affiliation: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Zuercherstrasse 111, 8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland
Contact Person Given Name: Anne Family Name: Thimonier Email: anne.thimonierfoo(at) Affiliation: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Zuercherstrasse 111, 8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland
Publication Publisher: EnviDat Year: 2019
  • Type: Collected Date: 1995-01-01 End Date: 2018-12-31
Version 2019
Type dataset
General Type Dataset
Language English
Location Alptal, Beatenberg, Bettlachstock, Celerina, Chironico, Davos, Isone, Jussy, Nationalpark, Neunkirch, Novaggio, Laegeren, Lantsch, Lausanne, Lens, Othmarsingen, Schaenis, Visp, Vordemwald
Content License Other (Specified in the description)
Last Updated March 4, 2025, 09:03 (UTC)
Created March 6, 2019, 13:19 (UTC)

Custom Metadata

Custom Field Values
CUSTOM_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Oliver Schramm, Noureddine Hajjar, Anna Brechbühl, Yuk-Ying Cheung-Tang, Simpal Kumar, Peter Jakob, WSL Central Laboratory, Local Forest Services, City of Lausanne, Canton St. Gallen
CUSTOM_LWF_SITES Alptal, Beatenberg, Bettlachstock, Celerina, Chironico, Davos, Isone, Jussy, Nationalpark, Neunkirch, Novaggio, Laegeren, Lantsch, Lausanne, Lens, Othmarsingen, Schaenis, Visp, Vordemwald
CUSTOM_PURPOSE To assess the nutrient status of the forest stands and detect possible deficiencies or imbalances, which are often indicative of processes at the ecosystem level.
CUSTOM_TITLE_DE Nadelblattbeprobung
CUSTOM_TITLE_FR Analyses foliaires