Description: Fish environmental DNA data set collected in 2022 in the Calanques National Park
The eDNA samples were collected in 2022 in two locations (Moyades, M−FPA and “Impérial du large”, I-LPA), during the winter (January- February), the summer (June to August)and fall (mid-September to November) seasons, with the sampling dates depending on the weather conditions. For the M−FPA, samples were collected between Moyades island and Riou island, while for the I-LPA, they were collected on the south side of the “Impérial du large” island. To account for the existing bathymetry, in the M−FPA the samples were taken at two sampling sites with depths of 20 and 40 m, while in the I-LPA they were taken at two sites with depths of 20 and 80 m.
At each site, in-situ filtration of seawater was performed using a double-head submersible pump (Subspace, Geneva, Switzerland; nominal flow of ca. 1 L/min) strapped to an underwater scooter with 2 VigiDNA 0.20 µm filtration capsules (SPYGEN, le Bourget du Lac, France), along with disposable sterile tubing. The samples were collected along two horizontal transects (up to 400 m in length) during each closed-circuit rebreather dive, enabling the filtration of a water volume of 15 L/filter per depth, as close as possible to the substrate. Two filter replicates were collected by two divers at each sampling site, except in two cases where bad weather conditions or logistical issues meant that only one replicate was sampled.
After the filtration, the remaining seawater was emptied from the capsule back on the boat and replaced by a 80 mL CL1 conservation buffer (SPYGEN, le Bourget du Lac, France). To prevent any contamination, a strict protocol was followed during the entire process, requiring disposable gloves and single-use filtration equipment. Finally, the samples were stored at room temperature. We followed a strict contamination control protocol in both field and laboratory stages. Each water sample processing included the use of disposable gloves and single-use filtration equipment to avoid any risk of contamination. Libraries were prepared with ligation using the MetaFast protocol (Fasteris).
Data content:
* rawdata/: contains the raw reads for each individual sample. One archive contains the paired-end reads specified by the _R1 or _R2 suffix as well as individually tagged PCR replicates (if available) together with an archive containing all extraction and PCR blank samples of the library. Reads have been demultiplexed using cutadapt but not trimmed, individual demultiplexing tags and primers remain present in the sequences.
* taxadata/: contains the table with all detected taxonomy for each sample after bioinformatic processing (see Polanco et al. 2020 for details; and associated field metadata.
* metadata/: contains two metadata files, one related to the data collected in the field for each filter, and the second related to the sequencing process in the lab (including the tag sequence, library name, and marker information for each sample)
This work was supported by:
- SNF ShifteDNA
(Grant/Award: 205556)
- ANR ShifteDNA
(Grant/Award: 21-CE02-0032)
ma_fr_calanq_2021; ma_fr_calanq_2023
Rozanski R., Velez L., Hocdé R., Duhamet A., Waldock C., Mouillot D., Pellissier L. and Albouy C. (2024) Seasonal dynamics of Mediterranean fish communities revealed by eDNA: Contrasting compositions across depths and Marine Fully Protected Area boundaries. Ecology Indicators, 166.
Rozanski, Romane; Velez, Laure; Hocdé, Régis; Duhamet, Agnès; Waldock, Conor; Mouillot, David; Albouy, Camille; Pellissier, Loic; Marques, Virginie (2025). Environmental DNA Marine France Calanques 2022. EnviDat. doi:10.16904/envidat.592.